Computer processor giant Intel pledged $1 million to support “social justice” and “anti-racism” via “various nonprofits and community organizations,” announced company CEO Bob Swan in a statement declaring, “Black lives matter. Period.”

Swan attributed the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd to “racism:”

The senseless acts of racism and violence that recently took the lives of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, and threatened Christian Cooper are abhorrent and wrong. We stand with Ahmaud, Breonna, George, Christian, their families, their friends and their communities, and we call for an end to acts of racism, inequity and social injustice.

Black lives matter. Period. While racism can look very different around the world, one thing that does not look different is that racism of any kind will not be tolerated here at Intel or in our communities.

Swan wrote, “To our black employees and communities inside and outside Intel, I hear you and see you. You are hurting deeply. You are angry. You are tired.”

Intel, like most large companies, has a human resources department dedicated to diversity and inclusion. The company’s global chief diversity and inclusion officer subscribes to the political paradigm of “intersectionality:”

Swan encouraged Intel employees to donate to left-wing organizations. He wrote, “Intel is pledging $1 million in support of efforts to address social injustice and anti-racism across various nonprofits and community organizations. I also encourage employees to consider donating to organizations focused on equity and social justice, including the Black Lives Matter Foundation, the Center for Policing Equity and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, all of which are eligible for Intel’s Donation Matching Program.”

Follow Robert Kraychik on Twitter @rkraychik.