The free-speech social media platform Parler is encouraging Jewish people to dump Twitter after the Silicon Valley giant shut down some accounts in July for posting the Star of David.

Twitter reportedly closed some accounts after users posted an image of the Star of David, which Twitter claimed was a violation of its rule forbidding “hateful imagery.” Twitter later said that the accounts were closed by mistake and that it doesn’t consider the Star of David to be a “hateful symbol or hateful image.”

“We want to clarify some questions about hateful imagery on Twitter. We categorically do not consider the Star of David as a hateful symbol or hateful image. We have for some time seen the ‘yellow star’ or ‘yellow badge’ symbol being used by those seeking to target Jewish people,” Twitter said in a statement.

Parler is now encouraging Jewish people to abandon Twitter.

“Leaving agenda-driven publishers like Twitter behind for good is the best weapon we have against their biased censorship. I again extend a warm welcome to all boycott participants to Twexit and explore Parler,” said tech investor Jeffrey Wernick, who is also a strategic partner in Parler.

Twitter has come under increasing firer for its partisan behavior. The social media giant recently locked out Breitbart News for posting a video of a press conference featuring Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) and frontline doctors sharing their views and opinions on the Chinese coronavirus.

Twitter also deleted Breitbart News’ Periscope livestream of the Washington D.C. press conference from last month. The platform is also pulling down videos from President Donald Trump’s account just three months before the election.

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