George Washington University Law School Professor Jonathan Turley argued this week that colleges and universities should remove Antifa-associated students and professors that commit acts of violence.

According to a report by the College Fix, George Washington University Law School Professor Jonathan Turley argued this week that colleges and universities should not tolerate violence by Antifa activists on campus.

Breitbart News reported in 2017 that a Bay Area professor assaulted at least seven people with a bike lock during an Antifa demonstration in Berkeley, California. The professor, Eric Clanton, was only sentenced to three years of probation.

In an interview with the College Fix this week, Turley pointed out that Antifa resorts to violence because it is opposed to engaging in the marketplace of ideas.

“Indeed, I believe that these colleges would be benefitted from a debate over Antifa’s values. Of course, Antifa is opposed to such intellectual exchanges. Yet, free speech protections are often extended to those who least deserve them,” Turley said.

Turley said that colleges and universities should act swiftly to remove students or professors that engage in ideologically-motivated violence. Turley said that this policy should extend to those that prevent speeches from taking place on their campus.

“As stated in my testimony, colleges and universities should expel any student and fire any professor who engages in violence on campus,” Turley finished. “They should also suspend any student who prevents others from speaking or listening to speakers. This does not include protesting outside of events, which is itself an exercise of free speech.”

Breitbart News reported in June that Turley had condemned professors at Cornell Law School for their hostility towards a conservative colleague that had published criticisms of the Black Lives Matter movement online.

“I am unfamiliar with Jacobson’s writings.  Once again, however, the merits of such arguments are immaterial,” Turley wrote. “What is disturbing is the effort to silence Jacobson because he holds such opposing views.”

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more updates on this story.