2020 Democrat nominee Joe Biden recently hosted an “Ask Me Anything” event on his Instagram page, allowing his followers to ask him questions in real time. The presidential candidate, however, did not appear to answer a single question.

Joe Biden announced that he would be answering questions from his followers during an “Ask Me Anything” event on Instagram — a virtual gathering in which followers are granted the opportunity to ask questions through Instagram Stories in the hopes of seeing the answer to their inquiry pop up later on the account’s Story page.

The chance to ask Biden questions in real-time through his Instagram Stories — which lasts 24 hours — came and went without a single question being answered by the former vice president.

“I’m answering your questions. Ask me anything!” said Biden in a recent Instagram Story, alongside a submission box which allowed his followers to ask him questions, according to a screenshot of Biden’s Instagram account.

Over the next 24 hours, however, the Democrat nominee did not appear to answer any questions.

“Lol Joe Biden’s staff posted ‘I’m answering your questions. Ask me anything!’ on his Instagram story 14 hours ago and they have yet to post any questions or answers,” wrote Abigail Marone of President Donald Trump’s campaign team to Twitter.

Marone published her tweet on Tuesday afternoon, more than 24 hours before the publication of this article.

At the time of publication, Biden’s Instagram Story only displayed an image offering his followers the opportunity to “Swipe up to view the Believe in Better collection,” so that they can purchase campaign merchandise, as well as a link to the recent interview Biden had with rapper Cardi B.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, on Parler at @alana, and on Instagram.