A Kentucky high school student asked to give up his test points to the classmate with the lowest score, seeking to redistribute his grade to someone who didn’t work as hard to get the same grade he did.

A teacher at Letcher County Central High School in Whitesburg, Kentucky, shared a photo of one of his student’s tests, which revealed the student offered to give up five points from his exam and redistribute them to the classmate with the lowest test score.

“One of my guys, a straight A+ guy, offers up his 5 bonus points to someone in need. Anyone,” history teacher Winston Lee wrote in a Facebook post.

He totally offered up what is rightfully his, his earning, to any peer that may have been struggling especially hard the day of the test,” Lee added.

At the bottom of the unnamed student’s exam, it showed that he had written, “If you could, can you give my bonus points to whoever scores the lowest?”

The teacher told Good Morning America that this was the first time, in his 12 years of teaching, he has come across this type of request from a student.

Lee told the outlet that he was “pleasantly surprised” upon reading the student’s request, and that he did in fact redistribute the five points, knocking the student’s would be 99 percent grade down to 94 percent, and lifting another student to a passing grade.

“She was really thankful so it turned out great,” Lee told GMA. “She does not know who gave her the points.”

“Not all are great test takers or in a comfortable situation at home that allows them to focus on studying,” the teacher added. “I feel really great that it helped this student from 58 points to passing. We don’t know what her situation may have been.”

The student’s request to redistribute points from his own grade is emblematic of communist propaganda.

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