Any public figure who is as easy to make fun of as Glenn Beck deserves to be made fun of regardless of their politics. Life is too short, and it has always been a healthy sign for conservatives that we are generally much more capable of laughing at ourselves than the other guys, whether it is Rush Limbaugh on Family Guy or George Bush’s entire presidency.

We at Big Journalism are all about credit where credit is due, and unlike most left wingers (and even some others) who have been taking shots at Beck this last week, Stewart ridiculed Beck for his entire show (pre-interview) last night to great effect without resorting to a bogus charge of bigotry. Attacking the substance of Beck’s “The Puppet Master” series is absolutely fair game for those who disagree, and there is ample territory to make that case.

George Soros Plans to Overthrow America

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity

It was only a matter of time before someone on the left noticed the glaring vulnerability Beck left himself and Fox News when he defined one of the steps in Soros’ tried and true scheme. He explained that in Soros 5 step method, you have to “contol the airwaves” and then “accuse opponents of voter fraud through radio and TV stations that you control.” Fox News of course has featured numerous election shenagins by groups like ACORN. On this count, regardless of whether there is any comparison between what Fox is doing and what Soros has done, Beck made this way too easy for Stewart. I have been waiting breathlessly for someone on the left to press that vulnerability, and frankly I don’t think Soros is getting his money’s worth from Media Matters after they missed that one. They’ve merely increased the rate of their standard bigotry accusations.