Soledad O’Brien Signs Off From CNN.

After more than a year of some of the worst ratings in cable news history, Soledad O’Brien took the last few minutes of her morning show “Starting Point” to say goodbye:


Soledad O’Brien was a notable embarrassment in a profession buried in notable embarrassments. Day after day, O’Brien bore down on Republicans, viciously protected President Obama, and mercilessly played the identity politics game like no other.

And for her trouble, she became a national laughingstock and suffered record low ratings.

The real shame is that O’Brien might have been a truly great interviewer. Had she simply been as tough, skeptical, and loaded for bear with the left as she was with the right, instead of being a notorious hack, O’Brien  would have been seen as an impressive journalist on both sides of the aisle. Furthermore, were she capable of that kind of integrity, her ratings would have most certainly improved.

But she didn’t have the integrity, and now she’s gone.

Big Journalism sincerely wishes for Soledad O’Brien nothing less than a long, healthy, and happy life — far away from the national conversation which she regularly degraded and poisoned in the use of her “journalism” disguise to push a personal agenda.

Thursday, CNN announced that in the late spring, Chris Cuomo, Kate Bolduan, and Michaela Pereira will take over the morning. In the meantime, “Starting Point” will continue without O’Brien.



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