Ben Kepes, a contributor to Forbes, took the mainstream media’s intentional misinformation campaign against Indiana’s religious freedom law to a whole new level by comparing Indiana’s religious freedom law  to Nazi Germany:

As the son of parents who survived the Holocaust (and the grandson of some who didn’t) this feels very much like a prelude to another Kristallnacht. So as a member of the technology industry, I feel incredibly proud of the stand being taken by Benioff and Salesforce.

Kristallnacht is also known as Night of the Broken Glass. The night occurred in Nazi Germany in 1938 and signaled the beginning of systemic, open and brazen persecution of the Jews by the Nazis. All legal niceties were set aside as 200 synagogues were destroyed, tens of thousands of Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps, and upwards of 10,000 Jewish business and homes were vandalized and robbed.

The Indiana religious freedom law merely gives the Faithful, including Indiana’s many religious gays, legal standing in a dispute involving competing rights. Far from a license to discriminate, the law merely gives the Faithful recourse in a lawsuit involving competing rights. No outcome or victory is guaranteed. The government is the ultimate arbiter. 

John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC