On the latest episode of the Adam and Dr. Drew Show podcast, Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew Pinsky invited Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro on the program to discuss the threats made against him on national television by transgender Inside Edition reporter Zoey Tur.

“It was fun until it crossed the line that shouldn’t be crossed on television or any other political debate, when people start grabbing each other by the neck and threatening to put them in an ambulance,” Shapiro began the discussion. “That’s actually a problem, and let’s put it this way, if it had been me doing that to Zoey Tur, I would have spent the night in jail for a possible hate crime.”

“Yesterday, I spent a fair bit of the morning down at the Hollywood police station filing a battery charge.”

When Carolla said that Dr. Drew was rolling his eyes in the studio and had suggested it was over-the-top to file a police report, Shapiro countered: “So Dr. Drew, it wasn’t over the line when one of your guests grabbed me by the neck and threatened to put me in an ambulance, what was over the line was me doing something about it.”

“By the way, your same guest also said, as he was walking out, as I’m sure your producers made you aware, ‘I’ll see you in the parking lot,’ and then later tweeted that he wanted to curb-stomp me… so yeah, that does not fall into the realm of decent political conversation.”

Dr. Drew said he wasn’t aware of the threats on Twitter and in the parking lot. And while Dr. Drew and Carolla debated the intention of Tur’s hand-on-the-neck gesture, Shapiro succinctly summed up the issue.

“Dr. Drew, let me put it this way,” Shapiro said. “If I had done that to a transgendered gentleman, or woman, whatever you prefer this time, how long would I have lasted on your network? Five seconds?”

“I think that’s a very valid point Drew,” Carolla added. “First off, Ben, Drew’s not the enemy. But I will say this: if a heterosexual, God-fearing, straight guy said something to either gay, lesbian, transgendered, or whatever that even implied violence against that person, that person would probably be blackballed from this town. Career over. At least admit that part Drew.”

“They’d be attacked, but I’m not sure which attack is worse,” Dr. Drew replied.

“Drew, what world are you living in, what time is it?” Carolla asked incredulously.

“Had I not seen what I’ve seen the last several days on Twitter, I would have agreed with you,” Dr. Drew continued. “But now I’m realizing it goes on both sides.”

“No, it goes on on both sides, but one side is prosecuted and one side is let off the hook,” Carolla fired back.

Hold on a second Drew, I want to make this point clear. Jews, like Ben Shapiro, used to be on the endangered species list. Now, they’re doing so well, even though they’re a minority, and even though they’re routinely killed across the world, they’re not on the endangered species list anymore. So a transgendered person can put their hands on a Jewish person and there are no big repercussions in terms of society, in terms of working in Los Angeles. But if a straight Jewish guy put his hands on a transgendered person and said some words that could have been threatening, that person would be unemployable in this town. That’s not a two-way street, that’s a one-way street.

“Here’s the way that it works,” Shapiro added. “If you’re part of the designated victims list, then it almost doesn’t matter what you do at a certain point, you’re going to be designated the victim no matter what. If you are not on the designated victims list, then you won’t be, and it really is that simple.”

Carolla then used Shapiro’s story to examine how a left-leaning media gets away with blatant bias.

After replaying the portion of the panel where Tur placed a hand on Shapiro’s neck, Dr. Drew conceded that “it was a threat.”

Check out the rest of Shapiro’s segment on the Adam and Dr. Drew Show here (segment starts at 39:45 mark).