Although we wouldn’t discover until years later that Brian Williams was lying most of the time, much of the talk around the success Williams had as anchor of the “NBC Nightly News” centered on his secondary role on late night television as a raconteur. That myth exploded last month when Williams’ successor, the sturdy, professional Lester Holt, lifted the “Nightly News” to a 10 year high:

In his first sweeps month as Nightly News anchor Lester Holt gave the NBC broadcast its biggest July audience in 10 years, and its best in the A25-54 demo since 2013. Holt officially took over the show six weeks ago, but has been anchoring since February when Brian Williams stepped aside from the show.

Because almost all of the mainstream media is run by left-wing narcissists, they tend to forget that most of America is nothing like them. We’re not looking for Personalities among our news men and women, what we want are either people who are open about their biases (Fox News) or those we can trust who don’t make it all about them.

MSNBC is a bubble-dumb echo chamber. CNN is a toxic mix of narcissists like Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon who are trying to hoodwink the public into believing they are not left-wing extremists. That’s why both of those networks are failing.

Holt is a pro, not a celebrity or brand. He delivers the news, stays out of the way, and wins.


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