HOUSTON, Texas — Breitbart Texas readers trashed the Houston Chronicle following their attack on a Breitbart article which accurately described an Islamic Tribunal in Irving, Texas, earlier this year. The readers described the diminishing news outlet as system to deliver coupons and not news.

A reader who responded under the username “Bloke” said, “People still read that rag? Thought everyone just got it for the coupons.” Another reader, “Beaux Weevil” wrote, “We gave up our subscription to the Houston Comical many years ago. Only had it for the sports page and the Sunday ads. Even those went to crap about ten years ago. Loony leftism was always its stock in trade. Crazy to think it’s even still in business.”

Reader’s may have lost even more confidence in the Houston Chronicle after Breitbart Texas managing director Brandon Darby called them out about a dishonest report about Senator Ted Cruz. The news outlet eventually corrected their story, but they did so without acknowledging the correction.

Ethical issues had come up even earlier for the fledgling paper. The Houston Chronicle’s Joe Holley falsely claimed that True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht was under a “DOJ investigation.” The writer admitted in an email that he and the Houston Chronicle didn’t actually know if that smear were true, but they had “heard it somewhere.” The Breitbart Texas managing director called both the writer and the paper out publicly. Yet again, the newspaper later secretly corrected their false report, never acknowledging that they had been wrong. The paper also never apologized to Engelbrecht for the damaging smear.

Readers were quite passionate in their dissection of the Houston Chronicle. Following are more comments from the Wednesday article responding to the Houston Chronicle’s pointless attack:

TheWarIsHere wrote, “Looks to me like the liars at the Chronicle are the bigger threat to the Republic.”

Samantha Brown: “The Houston Chronicle is a liberal hack job, that is only good for lining a bird cage!!”

Pollybmc responded to her post writing, “I once told a guy peddling that rag that my husband wouldn’t allow it in the house and that if we did have a bird, he wouldn’t allow it in it’s cage. The Houston Chronicle is the biggest joke of a paper. A city the size of Houston needs a decent newspaper. Until then, I get my news elsewhere.”

ICL emmings: The Austin Statesman, Dallas Morning News, Fort Worth Star Telegram, and Houston Chronicle are all in the same sinking boat. Go buy a radio add and the response time is faster and you know where the leads came from ! Plus stations like the SRN Network are conservative and support my values. Like I should advertise in a PROGRESSIVE RAG. Not a chance in hell.”

Romans5eight: What? Apologize for the lies?
The Left-wing media says: “Never! — Because even when we’re wrong, we’re right on principle!” … (e.g. the Rolling Stones article about the gang rape of a University of Virginia student named “Jackie” — Never happened. but it was true in principle!)

They actually believe this stuff — and other Left-Wing lies and fantasies, like: “Global warming is a factor in the creation of ISIS and the Paris attacks.

Besides, “love means never having to say you’re sorry.”

Beltway griper: Want to know how bad it is for Houston Chronicle? Texas largest newspaper ( nations 6th largest) is leaving its historic home in downtown Houston. It is moving into its former newspaper rival, the old Houston Post building they bought out in the mid 1990s. The Chronicle claims they are going to rebuild the old building and make it a one of its kind newspaper!

Meanwhile, readership is down, they have had to raise the price of the paper again, and if it was not for the Sports Section, the paper would only be seen by parakeets using it as their toilet.

Keep going down the tubes liberals; frauds are always uncovered eventually.

Bob570: “The Left wing Media have a long long history of loving people who hate America. In my life time it started with the Castro’s, Che, then Ho Chi Min, Chairman Mao, the Ayatollahs, Tito, Gorbachev, and now Illegal immigrants, and CAIR. The Democrats have never liked America, that’s the real reason they tried to secede 150 years ago.”

Gaius_Suetonius_Tranquillus: “After encountering difficulties publishing the truth, the Houston Chronicle has decided to devote itself entirely to fiction.”

Readers seeking news are redirected to Breitbart.com.

And finally, GeorgeStGeorge wrote: “After the Houston Chronicle bought out the Houston Post in 1995, the only reasons I ever looked at it were the comics and the sports section. I haven’t even done that in a decade. It’s the local arm of the Democratic Party.”