A spokesperson for the office of special counsel Robert Mueller has released a warning about the media’s “many” fake news reports regarding the investigation into President Trump and Russian collusion, reports the Washington Times.

“What I have been telling all reporters is that many stories about our investigation have been inaccurate,” the Mueller spokesperson said. “Be very cautious about any source that claims to have knowledge about our investigation and dig deep into what they claim before reporting on it. If another outlet reports something, don’t run with it unless you have your own sourcing to back it up.”

What a sad statement on the state of our disgraced media.

The speculation is that while the Mueller statement references “many” instances of fake news, it was prompted by a Friday McClatchy report that claimed Mueller had uncovered proof that Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, had, in fact, visited Prague in August 2016.

If this were true, it would validate an important fact in what is known as the Steele Dossier, the widely discredited document paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and manufactured by a foreigner to smear Trump with the false claim he colluded with Russia to fix the 2016 election.

Cohen has already offered documents to prove he was not in Prague. He further claims he has never been to Prague.

This, however, did not stop the media from running wild with a report based on — you guessed it — anonymous sources.

The amount of fake news surrounding the Russian collusion hoax has been unprecedented in the history of the American news media — one equivalent to one Rathergate after another.

Mueller and the media are confederates; both are desperate to bring down Trump, but, apparently, even Mueller is so alarmed by the media’s lies and misinformation he felt the need to release a statement.

To the surprise of no one, even though it is the rare on-the-record peep from Team Mueller, this statement has not gotten a whole lot of attention from the corporate media it is aimed at.

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