Brian Ross lost his job at ABC News this week, and Donald J. Trump is still president. That is just a fact.

Yep, despite the media’s Russian collusion hoax, last week’s fabricated border outrage, fake news addicts like Ross, and Jake Tapper’s nightly snit-fits, Donald J. Trump is still president.

Better still, in the media’s unhinged zeal to destroy Trump, including Ross, 16 liars, 16 left-wing activists, 16 losers who pretended to be objective journalists have — you know, unlike President Trump — lost their jobs.

If you do the math, that averages to about one per month since Trump took office. With that kind of pace, if Trump wins a second term, we could see a total of 96 fake news addicts carrying a box to their Prius.

Dare to dream. Dare to dream.

As Trump flourishes, as Trump’s presidency of real consequence marches on, as Trump erases Obama’s failed legacy, booms our economy, and is about to nominate his second Supreme Court justice, here is a list of those in the media who disgraced themselves, who revealed their true selves, who stepped on a rake in their hysterical pursuit of DrumpfHitler.

  1. ABC News’s Brian Ross

After being suspended without pay for four weeks in December, Ross finally got “resigned” for spreading fake news about then-candidate Trump’s asking a senior campaign surrogate, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, to help him get in touch with the Russians. Never happened.

  1. ABC News’s Rhonda Schwartz

Schwartz was Brian Ross’s executive producer. She is also leaving the network.

  1. CNN’s Thomas Frank

Frank got “resigned” for publishing a “demonstrably inaccurate hit piece on the President” regarding a Russian investment fund tied to his inner circle.

  1. CNN’s Eric Lichtblau

Lichtblau got “resigned” for publishing a “demonstrably inaccurate hit piece on the President” regarding a Russian investment fund tied to his inner circle.

  1. CNN’s Lex Haris

Haris got “resigned” for publishing a “demonstrably inaccurate hit piece on the President” regarding a Russian investment fund tied to his inner circle.

  1. The New Yorker’s Talia Lavin

This fact checker lost her job after falsely accusing a wounded veteran who works at ICE of sporting a Nazi tattoo. This was all about attacking Trump for continuing Obama’s policy of separating illegal alien adults and children at the border.

  1. The Republican‘s Conor Berry

Berry lost his job after tweeting the lie that the man arrested for murdering five journalists in Maryland last week “dropped his MAGA hat on the newsroom floor before opening fire.”

  1. CNN’s Kathy Griffin

Griffin was fired from her annual New Year’s Eve gig after she was pictured holding up Trump’s severed, bloody head.

  1. CNN’s Reza Aslan

Aslan lost his job for calling Trump a “piece of shit” after the president correctly reported that a terror attack in London was indeed a terror attack.

  1. Politico‘s Julia Ioffe

Ioffe was fired by Politico for tweeting, “Either Trump is f**king his daughter or he’s shirking nepotism laws. Which is worse?”

She now works at GQ, where she can ask Donald Trump Jr. questions about wanting to have sex with his own mother.

But at least she is no longer able to disguise herself as objective.

  1. ESPN’s Jemele Hill

Hill was suspended and eventually fired from her lucrative perch at SportsCenter for a series of tweets attacking Trump, including one where she smeared him as a “white supremacist.”

  1. Marketplace‘s Lewis Wallace

Wallace was fired for calling for an end to objectivity after Trump won the election.

  1. Associated Press’s Melanie Plenda

Plenda lost her job after she violated editorial standards by publishing a “call to action” against Trump.

  1. New York Post‘s Bart Hubbuch

Hubbuch was fired for comparing Trump’s presidential inauguration to September 11 and Pearl Harbor.

  1. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette‘s Rob Rogers

If you read between the lines, the cartoonist appears to have been fired after his unhinged loathing of Trump made him impossible to work with.

  1. The New York Times’s Ali Watkins

This “rising star” in the establishment media’s anti-Trump Resistance was demoted after it was revealed she was sleeping with one of the sources slipping her anti-Trump scoops and may have been sleeping with another.

Have you ever witnessed such a glorious boomerang effect?

But for the sake of our common humanity, I do want to point out the following: we should all feel every bit as bad about these people losing their jobs as they do when a coal miner loses his job.

Not to push the point, but is it unreasonable to add these 57 names to the list? To add the names of all those fake journalists, like Glenn “Kiss the Girls And Make Them Cry”  Thrush, Mark Halperin, Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, Ryan Lizza, Garrison Keillor, Matt Taibbi, and the rest, who were disgraced for their alleged #MeToo crimes?

Remember — and this is important — the whole point of the #MeToo movement was to bring down Trump by falsely branding him a sexual predator. That is the only reason why, just weeks after hoping a credibly accused rapist like Bill Clinton would be returned to the White House, the left and the media suddenly decided sexual misconduct was a bad thing.

But look at what happened with #MeToo. Talk about a boomerang effect. Hundreds of members of two powerful left-wing institutions –the establishment media and Hollywood — were disgraced and burned down forever.


Donald Trump is still president…

And did I mention he will be choosing his second Supreme Court nominee in just a few days?

Tee hee.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.