CNN’s Jake Tapper is under fire for what many allege is a homophobic attack on Roger Stone.

Stone, who was arrested Friday for alleged process crimes involving Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Russia collusion hoax, was the subject of Tapper’s struggling CNN show The Lead.

During a panel discussion, there was speculation about the Stone going to prison, which is when the far-left Tapper suggested he might like it.

Former Obama adviser Jen Psaki said of Stone: “No one’s going to cry if Roger Stone goes to jail or when he goes to jail.”

“He might like it,” quipped Tapper.

Psaki laugh and added, “He might. Who knows?”

Earlier, in the lead-up to the panel discussion, Tapper reported on Stone’s personal sex life which suggests the longtime political operative might be bisexual.

Many interpreted Tapper’s quip as another iteration of a prison rape joke, but this one laced with homophobia because it involves the suggestion Stone’s alleged bisexuality would mean he “might like” being raped by another man.

What Stone’s personal sex life has to do with any of this Tapper has never bothered to explain.

This is not the first time the anti-Trump Tapper has faced criticism for behavior many see as indefensible. Tapper’s reputation took a major hit last year as he stood silent while his audience booed a rape survivor. Tapper was hosting a anti-gun forum for CNN  and when one of the participants mentioned a rape survivor who purchased a gun to protect herself, Tapper’s audience loudly booed, while Tapper said nothing.

Donald Trump Jr. criticized Tapper for his Stone remark:

“Let’s play the “Imagine the fury if a conservative said something this flagrantly homophobic,” the president’s son tweeted, adding, “Truly disgusting… but of course no consequences.”

The Hill’s Buick Sexton tweeted, “This was a disgusting and stupid comment. But few will say that publicly, because they don’t want their twitter DMs to get filled up with threats to call their boss or otherwise undermine their career.”

Sexton is referring to Tapper’s infamous reputation for bullying his critics.

“Just when you think CNN couldn’t get any scummier,” wrote another Twitter critic.

In a piece criticizing National Review for its own “Forcible Gay Prison Anal Rape Comedy Routines” about Roger Stone, Ace of Spades says of Tapper: “Apparently the cucks and lefties are all on the same page — Cuck Harem Leader Jake Tapper made with the funny Gay Prison Sex jokes earlier, too.”

More and more we are seeing an establishment media willing to tolerate and even encourage homophobia, as long as that homophobia is directed at the political right. NBC employs Joy Reid and Alec Baldwin, both of whom have a long history of homophobia.

John Podhoretz, a Never Trumper, made a similar “joke” about how Stone “would enjoy prison” due to his “proclivities,” and he is a frequent guest on MSNBC.

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