CNN lost 21 percent of its already minuscule audience last week, MSNBC lost 24 percent, while Fox News grew its already enormous viewership by six percent, as TVNewser highlights.

Yep, even the massively over-hyped news about a mass shooting and a regional weather story — Hurricane Dorian — could not stop the bleeding at both of these far-left, Russia Collusion Hoax channels.

In all of cable television, throughout the 24 hour day, Fox News was numero uno for the 34th consecutive week with an average of 1.32 million total day viewers.

MSNBC was still in second place but came in way behind Fox with just 854,000 total viewers.

CNNLOL landed in sixth place with only 624,000 average viewers.

The news for CNNLOL and MSNBC was even worse during primetime. Whereas Fox News once again managed to grow its already massive audience by another three percent, MSNBC lost 15 percent of its primetime audience, while CNNLOL lost 16 percent.

Overall, Fox attracted 2.43 million primetime viewers, while MSNBC again came in well behind in second place with just 1.57 million. CNNLOL collapsed to tenth place in primetime with just 897,000 average viewers.

Once again, CNNLOL proved that its terrible primetime line-up can’t even attract a million viewers.

Things will not get much better for CNNLOL this week. The flailing fake news outlet hurled a Hail Mary with a seven-hour town hall that managed to once again come in far-last place with only 1.1 million average viewers compared to the 2.5 million and 1.7 million Fox and MSNBC, respectively, attracted during these same seven hours.

In other words, regular programming on Fox News more than doubled CNN’s massively hyped town hall with all the major Democrat presidential candidates.

Worse still, the biggest news to come out of CNN’s failed town hall was 1) Joe Biden’s 187-year-old eye exploding and 2) CNNLOL doubling down on failure with the announcement of another interminable town hall, this one focused on making the most powerful bullies in the country — the far-left LGBT tribe — even more powerful.

While it’s fun to laugh at the rolling failure that is CNN, MSNBC’s ratings collapse is quite remarkable. By now, even I had expected the Rachel Maddow Network and Maddow herself to recover from the Mueller Report’s debunking of the Russia Collusion Hoax, but it is just not happening, not even with a Democrat presidential primary in full swing.

And try as some might, you can’t blame the ratings collapse at CNN and MSNBC on the summer doldrums, on a summertime swoon, or a lack of interest in the news when Fox News is growing its audience.

Nope, even Democrats are tired of the fake news epidemic at CNN and MSNBC, even Trump-haters are tired of being duped by the hoaxes these outlets push, from Brett Kavanaugh: Serial Rapist to the KKKovington KKKids to Russia Collusion.

CNN and MSNBC have told so many lies that even the viewers those lies were meant to appeal to most are fleeing to more reliable news outlets or have given up altogether.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.