With Kenosha literally on fire behind one of their left-wing activists, CNN put up a chyron that read “Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests After Police Shooting.”

This is not a joke.

This is not a drill.

So CNN has a fake correspondent standing in front of what he himself describes as one of “multiple locations that have been burning in Kenosha, Wisconsin, over the course of the night” and the chyron reads “Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests After Police Shooting.”

You think CNN is trolling us, right? You think that’s all CNN is now — a troll channel. You think that’s what that chyron is — a deliberate troll against the honesty and decency of everyday Americans. You think CNN gets its lulz that way.

Oh, no…

CNN isn’t trolling anyone.

What CNN is doing is revealing its true mindset.

That CNN chyron flashed on Wednesday. I saw it fly by on Twitter a gajillion times yesterday but assumed it was a joke, a deep fake.

You might think the only deep faker here is CNN, but that’s unfair.

CNN isn’t lying or trolling…

When you keep in mind that CNN has spent most of the last decade devoting itself to endorsing, encouraging, normalizing, and fomenting political violence against its political enemies on the right, what we have at CNN is a mob so morally broken that in their diseased minds they honestly do see what’s happening in Kenosha as  “mostly peaceful.”

Stay with me here…

What I mean is, CNN is sincere in its belief that the level of violence in these Democrat-run cities, specifically Kenosha (for reasons I’ll explain below) is too peaceful, and CNN finds that unsatisfactory and unacceptable.

You see, CNN doesn’t want Kosovo in Kenosha. Fuck that. CNN wants Hiroshima. Especially in a traitorous place like Kenosha, a place that betrayed the cause and voted for Trump in 2016 — helped squeak the Orange Bad Man over the finish line in Wisconsin, which squeaked him right into the Oval Office.

See what I’m getting at here…?

When you want to see the MAGAtards burn, all the MAGAtards, when you want to see them fed into a holocaust, Kenosha is mostly peaceful — and, man, how frustrating is that?

You do know the police are not the real targets in all this, right?

You have figured out by now that the police are only under fire because they are what stands in the way of the left’s true targets — which is you and I; which is average, middle class Americans who just want to raise families, mow lawns, and live and let live.

Along with the Democrat Party and the terrorist groups who call themselves Black Lives Matter and Antifa, CNN wants us dead, wants our neighborhoods razed, our lives destroyed.

We’re in the way of the terrorist revolution and the terrorist revolutionaries are done with this pussyfooting around. Violence? That’s not violence. What you’re seeing in Kenosha isn’t peaceful.  Wait till you see what violence really looks like.

So, yeah, in CNN’s malignant mind, Kenosha is “mostly peaceful,” too goddamned peaceful, way too goddamned peaceful for these goddamned MAGAtards.

Burn it all. Burn all of them.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.