I don’t know how well hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin work against the coronavirus. But, from talking to people, I know that the media’s jihad of lies against both increases suspicion against the coronavirus vaccine.

It seems that every time someone comes up with a therapeutic against the China Flu, the establishment media launch a dizzying campaign of lies to ridicule and discredit that therapeutic, which leaves a lot of people not only wondering why, but asking themselves, Why is the establishment willing to go this freakin’ far to manipulate me into getting vaccinated? Why are they so against an alternative to the vaccine that they would tell such outrageous lies?

As someone who is vaccinated and who not only believes in the vaccine but considers it a modern miracle, it’s a question I can’t answer.

Again, I have no idea how effective hydroxychloroquine is when it comes to fighting the coronavirus. Still, if you listened to the media (something that is definitely not good for your health), you are under the impression it’s a poison instead of medicine approved by the FDA that people around the world use safely every day.

As long as your doctor prescribes it — which is true for every drug — what’s the big deal?


Well, there is no big deal, but the media going into a five-alarm freak-out of lies over it is awfully suspicious.

Then there’s ivermectin. If anything, the media seem to hate this more than hydroxychloroquine. The far-left Associated Press just flat-out lied with an absurd-on-its-face story about ivermectin being linked to 70 percent of Mississippi’s poison control cases. The serial liars over at Rolling Stone just flat-out lied about emergency rooms flooded with ivermectin overdose patients. Much of the rest of the media just flat-out lied with the misleading slant that ivermectin is only a “horse dewormer.”

I’m not here to push or not push ivermectin as a coronavirus therapeutic. That’s between patient and doctor. But as an effective human medication, it’s been around for decades as an FDA-approved antiparasitic agent for people — not horses — people.

Ron DeSantis (R-FL), who is proving to be one of the most dynamic and effective governors in the fight against the China Flu, is still catching all kinds of hell for his approach to the virus. Still, DeSantis (along with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott) first went all-in on the monoclonal antibody therapy, which works so well even that serial liar Dr. Anthony Fauci had to admit it.

Even so, the fake media are still desperately attacking this successful therapeutic as a distraction and still attacking DeSantis as some sort of Dr. Death when Florida’s coronavirus death rate (without any mask and vaccine mandates) is doing better than 16 other states and is doing that well despite a higher than average elderly population.

SURFSIDE, FLORIDA – JUNE 14: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks during a press conference at the Shul of Bal Harbour on June 14, 2021 in Surfside, Florida. The governor spoke about the two bills he signed HB 529 and HB 805. HB 805 ensures that volunteer ambulance services, including Hatzalah, can operate. HB 529 requires Florida schools to hold a daily moment of silence. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

It seems to me that DeSantis is approaching the coronavirus in the exact right way. He continues to push and sell the vaccine, but he’s also governing in the real world where everyone is simply not going to get vaccinated, which means coming up with alternatives to the vaccine like this antibody treatment.

Nevertheless, instead of receiving the credit he deserves, the media try to turn him into Satan.

This brings me back to my opening paragraph…

Why are the media so desperate, and I mean desperate to the point of fabricating the most desperate and outrageous lies imaginable, to condemn the very idea of a therapeutic?

Well, my guess is that it’s political. If a Republican does it, it must be evil, or it must be lied about as evil to hurt the Republican.

US President-elect Joe Biden receives the second course of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine on January 11, 2021 at Christiana Hospital in Newark, Delaware, administered by Chief Nurse Executive Ric Cuming.  (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

But many among the unvaccinated who are already suspicious of the vaccine see this jihad of lies against any and all therapeutics as a propaganda campaign to pressure them to get the vaccine, and they wonder why that is.

One of the biggest reasons people refuse to get vaccinated is distrust of a medical community that says it’s safe for Black Lives Matter to gather but not Trump supporters, distrust in a media that lie about everything, distrust in a government that, among other things, told us we were winning the war in Afghanistan… If people had faith in our institutions, there is no doubt in my mind our vaccination rates would be higher.

All these lies about therapeutics are hurting the vaccination cause, not helping it.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.