On Monday, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) previewed how the Senate Judiciary Committee will press social media CEOs Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg over their censorship efforts.

Blackburn said on Fox Busines Network’s “Mornings with Maria” that she expects the committee will have Dorsey and Zuckerberg discuss Section 230, their censorship, and how they approach content moderation. She added that with many flocking to Parler to combat censorship, the two social media giants support the bigger regulations to “keep new entrants out” because “big tech likes big government.”

“I really believe that we are going to make headway on this with Section 230, as well as on privacy,” Blackburn told host Maria Bartiromo. “And of course, Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook has fought privacy since I started trying to pass the Browser Act eight years ago. But Maria, here is where we are with these entities. They are now saying, ‘OK, regulate us’ because they want to block new entrants and big tech like big government. They like big regulation because it keeps new entrants out. So, our goal is going to be this light-touch regulation — go after some of the areas that need to be addressed. We also know DOJ has their suit against Google. You have states’ attorneys general who have lawsuits. And you have the FTC that continues to monitor some of this activity. Congress has to take an action on both privacy and Section 230.”

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