Representative Mike Turner (R-OH) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that it was a “handful” on both sides of Congress who do not support the United States arming Ukraine for its fight against Russia.

Guest host Pamela Brown said, “You, you’re also on the Arms Services Committee, we should note. the top Democrat on that committee Representative Adam Smith said at the Munich Security Conference quote, ‘there is more of a consensus there that people realize that Ukraine is not going to military retake Crimea.’ I’m wondering if you agree with that assessment?”

Turner said, “Statements like that, Pamela, are not helpful. We’re at an international conference. You mentioned Republicans and 20 Democrats sent a letter to Biden saying we should have immediate negotiations and bring an end to the war.”

Brown said, “Right, but they retracted that letter.”

Turner said, “Pamela, you can’t retract a letter from Putin hearing it. So it doesn’t have any effect.”

He added, “Only when we’re in this interview have people talked about Republicans and Democrats. What they’ve asked is there bipartisan support? I just did a panel with Director Burns indicating our full bipartisan support on the intelligence side and Armed Services side for full support for Ukraine. You have a hand full on both sides, both sides, Pamela, who have been cautious or said they don’t support or want support to come to an end. Of the over 435 members of Congress, there are probably 400 for continuing this direction on this path.”

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