President Donald Trump is gaining support from younger Latino and black voters, contradicting the roar of claims by establishment groups that he and his policies are racist.

Trump “gained among voters of color, especially Hispanic voters and younger Black voters,” says an October 19 report by, a firm that tracks public attitudes on many issues. “Trump is attracting 35 percent of Hispanic voters under age 45, up from the 22 percent who backed him four years ago,” the site said.

The group “moving most toward Democrats since 2016 are more high income and white [and] the groups moving toward Trump are more low-income and minority,” according to Derek Thompson, a writer at the pro-establishment the Atlantic magazine who reviews data collected by the Pew Research Center.  This means that the electorate is slowly “depolarizing on race … polarizing around education rather than income,” he wrote.

“Trump’s position has improved relative to 2016 with a number of non-White groups, including Black women, Hispanic men, and two non-White religious groups,” the Washington Post reported on October 9. “This has been a concerted focus of Trump’s, with constant appeals to both groups. He’s made headway, which could help in a close election, either by dampening turnout for Biden or reducing Biden’s margins with the groups.”

The reports skirted around the possible reasons for Trump’s rising support among minorities. Notably, the articles did not mention Trump’s curbs on blue-collar illegal migration, which pressure employers to hire young Americans — of all colors — at higher wages.

But the gain among minorities seems to match the immigration policy change. For example, the shift towards Trump is occurring among younger male voters, says

Trump’s support among young Black voters (18 to 44) has jumped from around 10 percent in 2016 to 21 percent in UCLA Nationscape’s polling.

For instance, an early-July African American Research Collaborative poll of battleground states found that 35 percent of 18-to-29-year-old Black adults agreed that although they didn’t always like Trump’s policies, they liked his strong demeanor and defiance of the establishment. Conversely, just 10 percent of those 60 and older said the same.

It’s a similar story with younger Hispanic Americans, a group where Trump has also made gains. According to UCLA Nationscape’s polling, Trump is attracting 35 percent of Hispanic voters under age 45, up from the 22 percent who backed him four years ago in the CCES data.

Many polls show that the public welcomes legal migrants — but also much prefers that new jobs go to Americans first. In April 2020, a Washington Post poll showed that 69 percent of Hispanics said yes when they were asked, “Would you support … temporarily blocking nearly all immigration into the United States during the coronavirus outbreak?” Just 30 percent of Hispanics oppose the border shutdown.

Joe Biden’s 2020 plan promises to let companies import more visa workers, to let mayors import temporary workers, to accelerate the inflow of chain-migration migrants, to end migration enforcement against illegal aliens unless they commit a felony, and to dramatically accelerate the inflow of poor refugees to at least 125,000 per year.

In contrast, Trump’s 2020 plan offers broadly popular — but quite limited — pro-American restrictions on migration and visa workers.

Open-ended legal migration is praised by business and progressives partly because the arrival of migrants helps to transfer wealth from wage-earners to stockholders.

Migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from homebuyers to real estate investors, and from the central states to the coastal states.

Migration allows investors and CEOs to skimp on labor-saving technology, sideline U.S. minorities, disregard workplace discrimination rules, ignore disabled peopleexploit stoop labor in the fields, short-change labor in the cities, impose tight control on American professionals, centralize technological innovation, and undermine many types of labor rights.