A New Jersey Democrat lawmaker introduced a bill requiring all elementary school students to learn cursive by the end of third grade.

The bill, A-6010, would require the state’s elementary school curriculum to include instructional materials and activities to help students learn the writing form.

A  Université de Montréal study suggested children who learn how to write in cursive might receive a critical boost in their reading and writing skills, and may help students with disabilities like dyslexia read and write a little easier.

Cursive was dropped as a requirement in New Jersey’s schools in 2010 due to updated common core standards.

Assemblywoman Angela McKnight, who introduced the bill, said “we are doing our children a disservice” by not teaching them cursive.

“Our world has indeed become increasingly dependent on technology, but how will our students ever know how to read a scripted font on a word document, or even sign the back of a check, if they never learn to read and write in cursive?” McKnight said in a press release.

“This bill will ensure every young student in New Jersey will have this valuable skill to carry with them into adulthood,” she added.

The bill is headed towards the Assembly Education Committee for further review.