A pro-transgender organization is encouraging schools to celebrate over 20 different faux holidays that encourage gender ideology. 

The Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) is a pro-transgender organization that works to embed gender ideology in the American education system. The organization’s “2022-2023 School Year Calendar” lists over 20 made-up holidays that promote gender ideology and queer theory.

The calendar urges schools to “start planning now” as “the school year is full of opportunities to “participate in GLSEN events” and “address LGBTQ+ and social justice issues.”

Among the faux, politically motivated holidays that GLSEN encourages schools to celebrate is “Bisexual Awareness Week” from September 16th to the 23rd. The 23rd itself is supposedly “Celebrate Bisexuality Day.”

GLSEN wants schools to celebrate “LGBTQ History Month” in October, as well as “National Coming Out Day” on October 11th and “International Pronouns Day” on October 21st. There is also “Asexual Awareness Week” from the 23rd to the 30th and “Intersex Awareness Day” on the 26th.

Meanwhile, GLSEN says that November is “Trans Awareness Month” and that the 6th is “Trans Parent Day.” The 7th to the 11th is titled “Solidarity Week” and the 8th is “Intersex Day of Remembrance.” Meanwhile, the 13th through the 19th is labeled “Transgender Awareness Week” and the 20th is supposedly “Transgender Day of Remembrance.” GLSEN also claims that December 8th is “Pansexual and Panromantic Pride Day.”

There is also “Aromantic awareness week,” which the calendar says takes place from February 19th to the 25th.

Another faux holiday is called “International Transgender Day of Visibility,” which is supposed to be celebrated on March 31st. It is followed by “Lesbian Visibility Day” which is supposed to take place on April 26th.

May is packed full of celebrations, with the “International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia” on May 17th. The month also features “Agender Pride Day” on May 19th and “Pansexual and Panromantic Awareness Day” on the 24th.

June has been labeled “Pride Month” while GLSEN encourages people to celebrate “Non-binary People’s Day” on July 14th and “International Drag Day” on July 16th.

GLSEN’s attempt to get schools to celebrate politically motivated faux holidays is just one of the many ways they advance gender ideology and queer theory in the education system. 

Breitbart News reported that the organization has also advocated for transgender “inclusive” math instruction that teaches gender ideology and endorses the idea that gender and sex are distinct. 

GLSEN also runs a “rainbow library” program, which supplies kindergarten and elementary school classrooms with books that seek to normalize transgender identification among youth. 

Breitbart News reported that General Motors provided GLSEN with a grant to support the rainbow library initiative.  

Breitbart News also revealed in July that Americorps offered a stipend for a “22-23 GLSEN Student & Educator Outreach” position. The description of the role, archived here, explained that “The member will drive engagement with educators, school districts and gay-straight alliance/gender-sexuality alliance (GSA) clubs across the state,” while also conducting trainings.

Meanwhile, a report from Discover the Networks found that the organization engages in lobbying and political activism, and has offered “sexually explicit materials and information to young school children” at its conferences.

 Spencer Lindquist is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SpencerLndqst and reach out at slindquist@breitbart.com.