On The Five on Friday, Fox News host Greg Gutfeld blasted the second season of Aaron Sorkin’s The Newsroom on HBO as a “liberal fantasy” that, like Hollywood, “gets everything wrong” and tries to rewrite history.

After watching the trailer for the second season, Gutfeld said he was particularly outraged that the fictional news program on the “left-wing” show was covering the “evil” Tea Party, calling it the “American Taliban” while glorifying the Occupy Wall Street movement as the American version of the Arab Spring.

He blasted the show for portraying Tea Party sympathizers as those who target free speech when, in real life, he said Tea Partiers are the ones that have actually been targeted by the federal government. 

Gutfeld ripped The Newsroom, saying if the show “covered Roman Polanski’s crimes, they’d change the 13-year old girl to 13-year old Scotch.”

He said “whatever fails in reality” is resurrected by “lib land.” He then said he was waiting for Hollywood to portray late-term abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell as a “kind, elderly doctor helping the underclass.”

Exasperated, Gutfeld asked if glorification of the Occupy movement was written before the “rapes” and “murders” at OWS rallies.

Bob Beckel, a Democrat co-host, said the left, Hollywood, and “liberal entertainment” get into trouble when they portray the Tea Party as the Taliban.

“You have to be careful,” Beckel said, saying Hollywood liberals were setting themselves up for failure and justified criticism with such comparisons. 

Eric Bolling, a conservative co-host, said those in Hollywood put “Communist freaks” on a pedestal while the “Tea Party is villainized.”

Image credit: HBO