Rapper and fashion mogul Kanye West has filed paperwork to appear on New Jersey and Missouri’s presidential ballot ahead of the November election.

The Grammy-winner surpassed the 800 signatures required for independent presidential candidates ahead of Monday’s deadline, according to court documents. West collected 1,327 signatures. The GOOD Music executive also submitted paperwork to have his name on Missouri’s presidential ballot, according to a report by the Kansas City Star.

A spokesperson for Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft said the rapper’s campaign has delivered the signatures ahead of the deadline. State officials must verify that the signatures came from at least 10,000 registered voters. The spokesperson added that if election officials conclude that West has the appropriate signatures, he will appear on the ballot alongside President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden.

The Jesus Is King rapper is also looking to appear on the New York presidential ballot. He will need to secure 30,000 signatures by Thursday in order to do so.

A few weeks ago, West secured a spot on the Oklahoma presidential ballot. The move arrived just after the West filed a “Kanye 2020” presidential committee document with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

West’s Statement of Candidacy document reportedly lists his party affiliation as “BDY,” which stands for “Birthday Party.” West announced his decision to run for President of the United States less than two weeks earlier, on 4 and has since spoken out against Planned Parenthood and it’s abortion practices and he’s advocated for the legalization of marijuana.

Last week, West declared “I can beat Joe Biden off of write-ins.”

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, on Parler at @alana, and on Instagram.