Actress Jennifer Garner will be accompanying First Lady Jill Biden to West Virginia on Thursday to visit schools in the state.

Garner, who grew up in Charleston, West Virginia, is expected to visit Arnoldsburg Elementary School with Jill Biden, as well as a vaccination site at Capital High School in Charleston, according to a report by Charleston Gazette-Mail.

The actress was originally supposed to visit Alabama with Jill Biden in March, but the trip was canceled due to bad weather.

The trip was rescheduled for early April, so that the pair could tout President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, as part of the White House’s “Help is Here” tour meant to promote the recently-passed coronavirus stimulus package to the American people.

Jennifer Garner was a supporter of the Biden-Harris campaign. Last October, ahead of the 2020 presidential election, Garner fawned over Jill Biden in a virtual interview.

During the interview, the actress and Capital One Venture Card pitchman said she got “the chance to dream of you and Vice President Biden in the White House, where kids come first, where honor and decency reign.”

Jill Biden noted that she has had a relationship with the actress for “years and years.”

“And I know your passions, and I hope you know my passions, and that we’ll continue to work together after Joe becomes president,” Biden said.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.