Maskless Broadway star Patti LuPone was caught on video screaming at a maskless audience member, demanding the patron to “put your mask over your nose,” adding, “if you don’t want to follow the rule, get the fuck out!”

“Put your mask over your nose, that’s why you’re in the theater. That is the rule,” LuPone lectured, before screeching into her microphone: “If you don’t want to follow the rule, get the fuck out!”

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The actress, who was not wearing a mask herself, continued her badgering of the patron, demanding, “Who do you think you are when you do not respect the people that are sitting around you?”

“I pay your salary,” the patron replied, to which LuPone retorted, “Bullshit. Chris Harper pays my salary. Who do you think you are? Just put your mask over your nose.”

LuPone is just one of the latest examples of a political or celebrity elite who mask shames others while not practicing what she preaches.

Earlier this year, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), who has imposed a statewide mask mandate on his residents, was photographed at the NFC Championship Game posing maskless with NBA star Magic Johnson.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (D) was also pictured with Johnson at the game and later justified that “when people ask for a photograph, I hold my breath.”

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) was also photographed as the only maskless individual in a photo one day after reminding people to “make sure to mask up.” Meanwhile, Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams appeared maskless in front of dozens of masked elementary school children in a photo that sparked widespread outrage.

In December, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) blasted the mask hypocrisy of the elites, stating that they are nearly creating a “two-tiered society” with a “servant class that has to always do all this, but yet the other class, they can lecture you about wearing masks, but then they don’t wear masks themselves.”

Last week, the hypocrisy of the mask shaming elite was on full display when Met Gala attendees — including former Democrat Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton — were seen maskless while masked staffers attended to them.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.