The University of Texas at Austin is offering a “brand new” course on Democrat activist, pro-abortion, pro-China, climate change hypocrite pop star Taylor Swift this fall semester, titled “Literary Contests and Contexts — The Taylor Swift Songbook.”

The school’s English department made the announcement in a Facebook post that describes the course as one that “provides an introduction to literary studies and research methods that uses the songwriting of [Taylor Swift] as the basis for teaching a wide range of skills.”

“First-year [Liberal Arts Honors UT Austin] students will be prepared for advanced work in the humanities and potential application to the English Honors Program,” the description added.

First-year undergraduates can take the Taylor Swift course, which will be taught by Dr. Elizabeth Scala.

The University of Texas at Austin did not immediately respond to Breitbart News’ request for clarification on how many credits the Taylor Swift course counts toward an accredited college degree.

Institutions of higher education now offer all different types of bizarre courses that make many question the true value of an accredited degree from one of today’s universities.

In 2019, a Portland State University professor revealed a class at the school, titled, “Queer Ecologies,” which sought to encourage students to start “rethinking the nature of nature,” with some of the topics being discussed in the course including “Queering settler colonialism” and “Queering science.”

In 2020, Washington and Lee University offered a course entitled “How to Overthrow the State,” which included encouraging students to engage in “producing a Manifesto,” and “writing a persuasive essay on rewriting history and confronting memory.”

Last month, a professor at Texas State University revealed that he will be teaching “the world’s first ever university course” on the work of pop singer Harry Styles in the spring semester of 2023.

Swift was recently seen hiding under an umbrella while getting off her private jet in California, just days before she was named one of the top celebrities responsible for worst CO2 emissions. The singer’s private jet flew 170 times with an average time of 80 minutes so far this year.

In June, Swift attacked the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, claiming the ruling has “stripped” women of the rights to their own body.

In 2018, the Bad Blood singer smeared then-Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) ahead of the midterm elections, accusing her of being unwilling to fight for the “dignity” of all Americans, while also inferring she is anti-gay, anti-women, and anti-people of color.

Swift has also cozied up to some of China’s biggest power players by agreeing to perform at an Alibaba promotional event for Singles’ Day, the country’s biggest shopping day.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.