Social media users reacted to the news of the popular children’s show Peppa Pig introducing its first-ever gay couple. “Not even Peppa Pig is safe,” one Twitter user lamented. “Leave kids alone.”

In the episode, titled, “Families,” the Penny Polar Bear character is heard saying, “I live with my mommy and my other mommy. One mommy is a doctor, and one mommy cooks spaghetti,” while she draws a picture of her family, which features two adult polar bears in dresses.

“JESUS CHRIST. Not even Peppa Pig is safe. Why ram it down little kids throats that its normal to be gay. Leave kids alone. Absolutely disgusting,” one Twitter user reacted.

“Leave our children alone,” another Twitter user echoed.

“That’s the end of the Peppa Pig phenomenon. What a shame. Education not indoctrination,” another tweeted.

“I have no problem with LGBT,” another said, “but what I do have a problem with is this shit being drummed into them when they’re toddlers, stop confusing them and let them be kids.”

Another Twitter user wrote in Italian, “Peppa Pig is shit,” adding, “90s cartoons are 10,000 times better than these now, so I (and I think many others) will educate our children with the old ones.”

“Children’s cartoon Peppa Pig recently debuted a lesbian polar bear couple. Yet another opportunity to get our kids outside, learning an instrument, doing crafts, developing hobbies and away from screens,” another suggested.

Peppa Pig is just the latest example of a children’s television show to feature LGBTQ-related content, as shows aimed at kids have seen a 222 percent increase in LGBTQ characters and stories in just two years.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.