Some staff writers of NBC’s Saturday Night Live are so furious about Dave Chappelle hosting this week’s show that they are boycotting the episode to protest the comedian, according to a new report.

“They’re not going to do the show,” an unnamed source told Page Six. “But none of the actors are boycotting.”

The writers are apparently upset at Chappelle over his history of telling jokes about transgender people and his publicly stated belief that gender is rooted in biological reality. “I’m team TERF,” Chappelle said in his recent Netflix special The Closer.

***Language Warning***


A rerrpresentative for Chappelle disputed the claim that some writers are boycotting Saturday’s episode. The rep told Page Six that Chappelle was at NBC on Tuesday meeting with writers and producers and “there was no evidence of a boycott.”

“The room was full of writers. They all pitched ideas and they seemed very excited about it…. Dave is looking to have some fun.”

After Chappelle was announced as host last week, SNL writer Celeste Yim reportedly wrote on Instagram Stories: “I’m trans and non-binary. I use they/them pronouns. Transphobia is murder and it should be condemned.”

SNL recently introduced its first gender “non-binary” cast member, Molly Kearney.

As Breitbart News reported, transgender activists are upset over Chappelle’s hosting of SNL this week, accusing the show and Chappelle of helping to fuel a “war” against trans people.

Dave Chappelle has hosted SNL twice before without incident, even winning an Emmy Award in 2017. Given the show’s weak ratings, NBC could be hoping that a controversial host will get more viewers to tune in.

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