Directly linking Islam to the wave of New Year’s sex crimes across Europe and the Paris terror attacks, Slovakian premier Robert Fico has said his government will not allow Muslims to create “a unified community” in his country, claiming it is “impossible” for them to integrate.

Both Slovakia’s Robert Fico (pictured right above) and Viktor Orbán (above left), Hungary’s prime minister, have now called for an end to mass migration in the wake of the attacks. Their requests have been rebuffed by Brussels. 

“We don’t want something like what happened in Germany, talking place in Slovakia,” said the straight talking Mr. Fico who leads Slovakia’s left leaning Social Democratic party. He insisting that the authorities in his staunchly Catholic nation must “prevent [its] women from being molested in public places.”

In addition to the 120 registered attacks in Cologne, Germany, attacks of the same nature happened in “every major German city” as well as in SwitzerlandSwedenFinlandFrance and now Austria.

Speaking to reporters from AP this Thursday, Mr. Fico said his government sees a “clear link” between the wave of unchecked mass migration from the Middle East this year and the mass New Year’s Eve sex assaults. He called for an emergency European Union (EU) summit and for a strengthening of the EU border force. The summit request was swiftly dismissed in Brussels.

“The idea of multicultural Europe has failed… The migrants cannot be integrated, it’s simply impossible,” he explained, insisting that his government would “never make a voluntary decision that would lead to the formation of a unified Muslim community in Slovakia.”

Meanwhile, the conservative Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán told Hungarian radio yesterday that ending the migrant influx would be “the decisive issue of 2016”, and called for the construction of a “European defence line” on Greece’s northern borders with Macedonia and Bulgaria.

After the Paris attacks in November, Mr. Fico also said that “every single Muslim in Slovakia” is being monitored and that there are “huge security threats” connected to migration.

Last month, his government filed a legal challenge to the mandatory plan to distribute migrants among members states of the EU, after the legislation was forced though against the will of the Eastern, so-called Visegrád group of nations.

In October, he also warned that his country would leave the EU and no longer impose the “stupid and dangerous idea” of political union, if no reasonable solution to the greatest mass movement of people across Europe since the end of the Second World War was found.