John Bolton, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, has said that the United Kingdom and United States are “on course for an unprecedented partnership” during a visit to Britain.

Mr Bolton met with Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday where they discussed a closer British-American trading relationship after Brexit, as well as Iran, the ongoing pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, and American security concerns over Chinese Huawei’s involvement in the British 5G network.

On Tuesday, Mr Bolton shared a picture of him and the prime minister on social media, saying: “I had a great meeting with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson yesterday. We discussed trade, security, and opportunities to deepen our bilateral relationship after the UK leaves the EU. The US and UK are on course for an unprecedented partnership.”

During the visit, Mr Bolton confirmed that Britain will be “first in line” for a trade deal with the U.S. after Brexit, and that quick, easy trade deals could be done “sector by sector” — for such industries as manufacturing and car production — with the more complex deals worked out at a later date.

On Tuesday, he met with Chancellor of the Exchequer Sajid Javid to discuss shared security and prosperity, and later met with Secretary of State for International Trade Liz Truss, who has made signing a British-American trade pact her top priority.

During his visit, the American diplomat also condemned the European Union’s “elites” for their habit of forcing people to vote again when they vote against the interest of Brussels, saying: “The fashion in the European Union when the people vote the wrong way from the way that the elites want to go, is to make the peasants vote again and again until they get it right.”

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