English parents will be banned from attending school nativity plays this Christmas in so-called “tier 3” lockdown areas.

England is set to emerge from its second national lockdown on December 2nd, but few people will notice any immediate difference, as it is replaced with a system of tiered regional lockdowns virtually everywhere.

Some will find themselves in stricter tiers than they were in before the national lockdown was announced, with the restrictions in tier 3 areas being in many respects as harsh or even harsher than at present.

These restrictions should include a ban on parents being able to attend Christmas nativity plays at their children’s schools, according to state guidelines reported by The Sun.

“Performances by pupils, such as nativity plays and other seasonal events, should take place within existing school bubbles and avoid mixing across groups,” explain the relevant government diktats.

“Whether audience members, including parents, are permitted to attend festive performances will depend on the tier in their area.”

“In tiers 1 and 2, audiences are permitted to attend, subject to the appropriate safeguards being in place.

“In tier 3, audiences are not permitted,” they instruct, advising that schools may ” use alternative methods such as live-streaming and recording performance.”

Tier 3 restrictions, which will apply to around 23 million people from December 2nd, will also thoroughly neuter Santa’s Grottos, which will still be allowed to take place but with Father Christmas required to wear a mask and banned from sitting youngsters on his knee while they tell him what they want for the Christian holiday, due to social distancing restrictions.

The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) which has been guiding Boris Johnson’s response to the Chinese virus, meanwhile, has advised similar avoiding action among families on Christmas day, advising against carolling, playing board games such as Monopoly together — too close — and any hugging or kissing.

“Would I encourage someone to hug and kiss their elderly relatives? No, I would not… if you want them to survive to be hugged again,” warned Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty, grimly.

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