Procter and Gamble (PG) raised over $700k for an organization that hosts a sexual, private chat service for children as young as 13 who identify as LGBT.

Procter and Gamble raised over $700,000 each to a variety of different pro-LGBT organizations, including one that runs a highly sexual chat site for minors.

CenterLink, an LGBT group that organizes different LGBT community centers across the country, was one of the recipients of the grant from PG. The company’s 2021 “Can’t Cancel Pride” impact report states that CenterLink was one of six organizations that “received more than $700,000.”

The impact report states that CenterLink “supports the development of inclusive and sustainable LGBTQ+ community centers across the country.” Meanwhile, PG’s 2022 Citizenship Report notes that the company yet again raised funds for CenterLink, though it does not specify how much money the organization received.

But CenterLink also runs the Q Chat Space, an online, private chat site meant for those as young as 13 who identify as LGBT. The chat site includes a “quick escape” button for minors to hide the page from parents. Meanwhile, some of the chat topics include transgenderism, astrology, sex change operations, and “drag culture.”

Other topics include “Pansexual Panromantic Visibility,” “Body liberation,” and “Understanding Your Sexuality While Being Trans and Non-Binary.” Another topic is titled “Explore: Types of Attraction.”

The ability to hide the chat from parents or guardians is a particularly concerning feature of the site. An academic article about Q Chat even lauded the organization’s model and its ability to be kept hidden from parents. It read, “The platform’s chat-based nature likely helps youth avoid concerns about family members accidentally overhearing their conversations in the same way they might if they were talking to friends.” 

Breitbart News revealed that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) had promoted the QChat Space on their website. Eight Republican Congressmen sent a letter to the CDC demanding answers following the report.

Breitbart News also revealed that the QChat Space had been promoted by the Arizona Department of Education. The report prompted a lawsuit against Kathy Hoffman, the current Democrat Superintendent of Public Instruction. The Arizona GOP also released multiple advertisements addressing the promotion of the site. Hoffman lost her reelection bid in 2022.

In addition, an investigation from Breitbart News found that ActBlue, the primary donor platform for the Democrat Party, donated somewhere between $1,500 and $5,000 to CenterLink.

Spencer Lindquist is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SpencerLndqst and reach out at