California is one of a number of states, including Texas and Colorado, that mark the birthday of famed labor, civil rights and anti-illegal immigration activist Cesar Chavez as a state holiday. San Diego celebrated with reduced parking enforcement and closed administrative offices, while University of California San Diego continued a year-long celebration of the activist with, ironically, an illegal alien student event.

“Parking meters, time restrictions on parking on streets and yellow zones will not be enforced during the holiday,” reported San Diego 7 News. Select other zones will still be enforced, as they are every day.

Chavez lived from 1927 to 1993. Ironically, the man that opposed illegal immigration is being commemorated in a yearlong series of events at the University of California San Diego that began with an event titled, “Introduction to Undocumented Student Services.”

Comprehensive immigration activist Ruben Navarrette, Jr. has studied Chavez for over 20 years and concurred on Chavez’ stance: “…the historical record shows that Chavez was a fierce opponent of illegal immigration…it’s unlikely that he’d have looked favorably on a plan to legalize millions of illegal immigrants.”

Breitbart News previously reported on nationally syndicated radio host Mark Levin’s comments to viewers of Fox’s Sean Hannity show last July that “Cesar Chavez opposed illegal immigration.”

Still, activists who celebrate Chavez seem content to rewrite history and ignore their champion’s position on the issue, even in a movie centered around Chavez’s life.

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