A police officer in Minnesota performed a welfare check Thursday on an elderly woman and then mowed her overgrown lawn.

Officer Matt Siltala of the Orono Police Department went to an elderly woman’s home to see how she was doing and noticed her yard was in disarray.

“She said she doesn’t have anyone to mow for her,” the Orono Police Department announced on Facebook Thursday. “He grabbed her mower and cut the front yard.”

Once Siltala arrived at the woman’s residence, he grabbed a gas-powered lawnmower and began to tend to her yard.

The police department’s photo has since gone viral, receiving more than 2,500 reactions and several hundred Facebook shares as of Monday.

WPEC reported that the police department noticed a Facebook comment revealing that people want to help the elderly woman with her lawn on a longer-term basis.

The department announced Sunday that it will provide additional details in several days.

“We have had a few people inquire about helping this resident. We will do some checking and get back to those who have shown interest. It’ll be a few days though,” the department stated.