A California community is coming together to help a 71-year-old veteran who recently lost his home in a fire.

Dave Ash said his home suffered irreparable damage in an accidental fire on Monday. The 71-year-old Vietnam War veteran noticed smoke coming from his washer and dryer while he was in the garage, KTVU reported.

“I walked in the door of the family room, and this huge wall of black smoke almost knocked me down,” Ash said. “Flames came out after it, and I called 911.”

Ash praised the work of the San Ramon Valley firefighters for immediately responding to the blaze. Ash is now staying in a hotel thanks to the aid of the Red Cross.

“I had a rough couple of years,” Ash said. “Last year, I chose between electricity and food or fire insurance.”

His neighbors, John and Dina Freij, are also raising money for Ash through a GoFundMe account.

“It’s just a sad thing when you see somebody’s house burning down,” John Freij said. “He’s been our neighbor for 30 years.”

Dina Freij says the fundraiser is a community effort. Neighbors, friends, and even complete strangers have donated to the cause.

As for Ash, he just wants to thank all the people who have helped him through this tough time.

“I just want to say thank you to all the people that have helped…God bless them,” Ash said.

Communities across the country have rallied to support our veterans in times of need, whether they had been facing eviction or battling medical conditions like cancer or a stroke.