TEL AVIV – The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror group on Tuesday released a video threatening Israel and the IDF with destruction, saying that the only way forward is through “armed resistance.”

The clip features terrorist snipers from the PFLP’s armed wing targeting IDF jeeps, trucks and a tractor caught in a crosshair. The text “In the line of fire” appears on the screen in Hebrew and Arabic. The entire video is accompanied by dramatic music.

The truck and tractor in the Palestinian snipers crosshairs seem to be part of the IDF’s combat units in charge of uncovering terror tunnels from the Gaza Strip.

“We can reach the crimes and the aggression of Israel against the Palestinian people,” the text accompanying the video says. “The way of resistance is armed resistance, as long as the occupation continues to raid the land of Palestine.”

The text continued: “The weapon of resistance is a holy weapon, one we will not accept seeing damaged, and it will remain [in the hands of] the resistance which doubles its efforts to prepare for the next confrontation.”