Host Alex Marlow opens today’s podcast with a breakdown of President Trump’s first failed endorsement of the year, the Republican governor primary in Nebraska. Then, Alex delves into a big speech from President Biden in which Biden blames pretty much everyone but himself for inflation. Biden also coined a new term: “Ultra MAGA.” What does it mean? No one really knows, but that won’t stop him from repeating it over and over. He also provided no solutions to our economic crisis. Plus, Dr. Mehmet Oz cut an odd video of himself shooting guns poorly. It’s a good thing that a guy who at one point supported red flag laws is pandering to gun rights supporters, but we’re not sure the video makes sense in the current moment of authenticity; but we shall see. Also, Elon Musk invited President Trump back to Twitter, which is a strong power move because Trump has already said he won’t go back on the platform. And then, the White House is supporting illegal protests at Supreme Court Justices’ homes. All that and more in Alex’s opening monologue. Our guest today is Nury Turkel, vice chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom and author of No Escape: The True Story of China’s Genocide of the Uyghurs. He delves into Uyghur culture and why China has singled out this particular group for genocide. Then, he discusses what America can do to help. His answers are both enlightening and horrifying. And finally, we have our caller of the day.

The Breitbart News Daily Podcast runs Monday through Friday as a “Director’s Cut” of the SXM Patriot radio show. Hosted by Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow, you’ll hear Alex’s take on the big political stories, interviews with various newsmakers, and the Patriot “Caller of the Day.”

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