GOP presidential candidateS visited Colorado over the past weekend and attended a RealClearPolitics event on Friday, as well as a Centennial Institute’s Western Conservative Summit on Saturday. Numerous reports followed showing Fiorina wowed the crowd – especially conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt who said, “The attendees buzzed the most about Carly.”

“All of the GOP would-be nominees at the gathering — Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum and Scott Walker — received warm welcomes, but hallway chatter clearly pointed to Fiorina and Walker as “winners,” as Fiorina again proved the ability to convert previously uncommitted activists and Walker proved adept at confirming incipient commitments to himself. Dr. Carson gave a rousing speech as well, but the attendees buzzed the most about Carly,” reported Hugh Hewitt.

An editorial in the Colorado Springs Gazette noted, “The former Hewlett-Packard CEO stole the show late Saturday morning with a firebrand talk about conservatives valuing all individuals for ‘God-given’ talents she said the left crushes with policies that promote dependence on the political class.”

Colorado Christian University approved of Fiorina’s visit, posting on Twitter, “Final of many standing o’s for @CarlyFiorina. #YCLC15 loved her stump speech. #WCS15,” the school posted from its official account.

The Denver Post noted Fiorina received “rave reviews.”

“I’m pro Carly, very much so,” said state Rep. Jack Tate of Centennial, according to the Denver Post. “I think she has a depth of intellect and a record of accomplishment that makes her stand out among all the candidates.”

Fiorina stood strong on her marriage beliefs following the recent Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage in all 50 states.

“Marriage means something specific to millions and millions and millions of people of every faith, and it has meant that for thousands of years, and I do not think it is the purview of five people on the Supreme Court — unelected, unaccountable — to think in their hubris that they have the power to change that,” Fiorina said at the RealClearPolitics event on Friday, adding: “I hope that we will, after this decision, focus on preserving and protecting religious liberty.”