Student demonstrations are set to engulf the U.S. today in the ‘Million Student March’, as activists from campuses around the country stage a day of protests against tuition fees and student debt, further inflamed by recent social justice protests at Yale and Missouri.

A statement from the activists reads: “We are people of all colors, genders, and sexual orientation, and we are united to fight for education as a human right.” Protesters are calling for tuition-free public college, cancellation of student debt, and a $15 minimum wage for college workers… plus a lot of other stuff about “straight white male patriarchy” and rape culture on campus.

The atmosphere is likely to be particularly charged given that the day of protests occurs after a week of political unrest on U.S campuses, particularly Yale and the University of Missouri, over racial issues. Breitbart News will bring you live updates from around the country as the protests unfold.

Refresh this page throughout the day for updates, or follow Milo Yiannopoulos (@Nero) and Allum Bokhari (@LibertarianBlue) on Twitter for edited highlights…


21.41 ET
SWASTIKA: For real this time?


19.52 ET
TROLLS: A nefarious Twitter user who calls himself “The Hashtag Improver” is spamming #MillionStudentMarch, #IStandWithMizzou, #BlackOnCampus, and other associated hashtags with pornographic cartoons in the style of Japanese anime. This is of course deplorable behaviour, and we thoroughly condemn it.


19.57 ET
ALOHA! Hawaii is awake. Students at the University of Hawaii at Minoa are starting to gather.


19.52 ET
GOP presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina has weighed in. The candidate and former HP CEO said that the chaos on US campuses is the result of a climate of political correctness that’s “choking” the country. “One of the things you see going on, on so many college campuses now, is kids are taught that if anything offends their sensibilities, they should stand up and say, ‘Ooh, don’t talk to me about that,’ ” Fiorina said. “This doesn’t help our young people prepare for a lifetime in the real world.”


19.51 ET
Sister Souljah has responded to racial unrest on college campuses by blasting Hillary Clinton, reports TIME. “She reminds me too much of the slave plantation white wife of the white ‘master.’” If you say so, sister…

Heresy! Someone get him! A false Title IX accusation should do the trick.

Minnesota students are now holding a night-time rally in solidarity with Mizzou.

From Breitbart’s Joel Pollak: original coverage from the belly of the beast itself, UC Berkeley. Over 1,000 students and Black Lives Matter activists gathered at the campus.

At the rally, students spoke about the debt and race issues almost interchangeably. Lauren Butler of the Black Student Union told the crowd: “The students of UC Berkeley stand in solidarity with the black students at Mizzou who are being terrorized.” She was followed several minutes later by Black Lives Matter activist Alana Banks, who said that Wall Street should be taxed to pay for free tuition, and that student liberation required black liberation.


19.27 ET
More op-eds and live blogs from student journalists at The Tab, some from the point of view of protesters:


19.27 ET
From Allum Bokhari:Here’s something a little different, but equally mind-boggling. The Students Association at the University of Minnesota has rejected a resolution to hold an annual day of remembrance for 9/11. According to Campus Reform, the student government said the day of remembrance would create an ‘unsafe’ environment on campus, and others argued that the emphasis on an act of terror committed by non-whites could increase racist attitudes on campus. Amazing.


19.24 ET
Stephen Miller at National Review playfully suggests that the Missouri poop swastika was “a triumph of conceptual art”…

The latest example of human waste as art comes in the form of Poop Swastika, which purportedly appeared on display at the University of Missouri campus, in a dormitory restroom. Poop Swastika has caused quite the reaction among students and faculty and provoked controversy enough for major media outlets to pick up the story. Very few details of the work or the artist have emerged, but the mystery has only added to the allure. Was the artist a student on campus? A faculty member? How was the work done? Did the artist use his own fecal matter, or was it an assistant? Why did the artist choose that particular campus or restroom? No one is sure, and the questions are sure to burden art critics for the foreseeable future as they ponder the social ramifications of this master-work.


19.24 ET
Social media is full of progressive hand-wringing at its most hilarious…

… balanced by sarcasm and scepticism.


19.20 ET
Student media behemoth The Tab has pictures and video from Georgetown.


19.16 ET
An entertaining provocation from Glenn Reynolds, the University of Tennessee law professor better known to the internet as Instapundit, who says that following student tantrums at Yale and Missouri, the voting age should be raised to 25:

In 1971, the United States ratified the 26th Amendment, lowering the voting age from 21 to 18. In retrospect, that may have been a mistake … [The] evidence suggests that, whatever one might say about the 18-year-olds of 1971, the 18-year-olds of today aren’t up to that task. And even the 21-year-olds aren’t looking so good. 


19.13 ET
As night falls in some parts of the country, rallies are appearing. Here’s Columbia.


18.54 ET
RETURN OF THE HATE-POOPER! Racist graffiti found in St Louis Community College restroom. No sign of the poop perp…


18.54 ET
NYU has sent out an email about the protests, which so far have remained peaceful …

… of course, on Twitter things are getting a bit heated…

… and also a bit sarcastic.


18.51 ET
A round-up of Louisiana colleges that #StandWithMizzou.


18.48 ET
This Facebook post from feminist Lara Witt is typical of today’s identitarian offence-based, profoundly anti-intellectual college culture. Scary…

Even Georgetown Law is getting in on the act.


18.45 ET
The University of South Florida “stands with Mizzou”…

while our correspondent Adelle Nazarian is at USC, listening to student speeches:

“We are calling for the school to redefine what diversity means on this campus,” said one black male student who took a few minutes to address a crowd who had gathered after midday on campus. Many of those gathered wore black clothing, in solidarity with the cause.

Prospective USC student, social activist and self-described “gay Latino” Richard Aviles also spoke to the crowd, telling all who were gathered that he’s “here because this institution will not accept that it gentrifies.” He alleged that USC is displacing both its students and people of color by buying up the homes “of people of color who who have worked hard to own the homes that they live in, that are now being taken over by student housing.”

Aviles continued, “I am here to dismantle the myth that Latinos do not care about the struggles of black folk. Because, at the end of the day, it is the same white system that doesn’t like me either.”


18.35 ET
This 18 year-old freshman at Cleveland State University describes himself as a “feminist” and “reproductive justice activist.”


18.35 ET
Breitbart’s Michelle Moons is at the University of California San Diego, where Occupy protesters have returned from the dead to gin up support for socialism among angry, disaffected students.

About 150 students were gathered chanting and marching around one section of campus for just over an hour in the middle of the day. Breitbart News reported early Thursday on the marches, which have been planned for weeks, but have received increased attention in the wake of student complaints at Mizzou over the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson and “racial incidents on campus.” The president and chancellor of the University of Missouri resigned earlier this week.

Co-organizer Aman Birk, a UCSD student with the Socialist Alternative told Breitbart News that he was wearing a red felt patch safety pinned to his shirt “in solidarity with all those in student debt they cannot pay.” Another protester, Manny Aguilar told Breitbart News that he has been very involved with Black Lives Matter and participated in Occupy movements in San Diego, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; and Encinitas, California.


18.31 ET
Students at Berkeley have created a “wall of student debt.” Protesters are writing their student debts on cards and sticking them up on the wall.


18.30 ET
Kids who don’t learn to self-regulate become angry, emotional wrecks, says Joy Pullman at The Federalist.

I’m not saying women should not work. I’m a working mother. I am saying, however, that we need to discuss the social effects of more mothers out of their homes full-time, especially when most women with children would prefer to work part-time. We need to consider that we may be earning more money to pay for the kids’ vacations and piano lessons at the expense of their ability to handle conflict.


18.27 ET
Portland State University: protesters chant “Fees Must Fall,” a riff on “Rhodes Must Fall,” the campaign by South African activists to tear down statues of Cecil Rhodes.

“Keep fighting against those pigs and their guns…”


18.19 ET
Witnesses report a tense atmosphere at the University of Oregon.


18.12 ET
From Breitbart’s Joel Pollak out in the field: Black Lives matter leader refuses to speak to Breitbart news at Berkeley

… meanwhile, tough questions from Shapiro …

… and the usual charming responses from social justice Twitter!


18.10 ET
$280,000. To study Chinese medicine.


18.07 ET
TERRIFYING: A crowd has gathered outside the apartment of a CUNY Chancellor. Socialist flags are visible, and police are blocking the entrance. NYPD threatening to make arrests.


18.05 ET
Solidarity from Stanford…

… and more from Yale.


18.02 ET

Carson stated, “at a lot of campuses, there’s a level of intolerance for things that are not, so-called, politically correct, that is growing, and is really threatening our freedoms. It seems like we’re not really emphasizing the whole concept of freedom of speech, and freedom of expression, and most importantly, of open dialogue. You know, it’s okay to disagree with people, but it’s not okay to try to destroy them. What we really need to do if we were mature, is to be able to sit down, put on a table, the rationale for our beliefs, and discuss them like intelligent adults. That is not being fostered at our universities, to the detriment of our society, and we need to stop it before we change into something that we don’t want to be.”


18.01 ET


17.58 ET
More updates from around the country. Protesters marching at Claremont McKenna College:

Though Errol Flynn did it better.

Meanwhile, a student walkout at UCLA.


17.46 ET
Inevitably, Hillary is in on the action, retweeting this “solidarity” message from members of her team.


17.43 ET
Tweeters are asking why Missouri’s Payton Head, who spread false KKK rumours, has been spending so much time at the White House…


17.43 ET
The same race radicals have been on campuses for decades… Mike Middleton, the new interim President of the University of Missouri founded the school’s Legion of Black Collegians (LBC) in 1968. In 1969, Middleton presented the following list of demands to the college. Among the demands are:

Capitulation to the full list of LBC demands is a key plank of Concerned Student 1950, the Missouri student group that forced the resignation of Tim Wolfe.


17.39 ET
Breitbart’s Adelle Nazarian is at USC, where it’s all kicking off…


… so too at USCB


17.34 ET
Black Lives Matter join student protesters at the University of Texas at San Antonio.


17.33 ET
Screenshots from Yik Yak show the persistent value of anonymous communication, and remind us why progressives hate it so much. With college Presidents being fired up and down the country for perceived slights, anonymous networks become one of the few areas where it remains safe to dissent.


17.29 ET
The commentariat weighs in…


17.24 ET
From John Hayward. Remind you of anyone?

Daniel Greenfield at FrontPage Mag writes that the marvelous term “crybully” was coined by Julie Burchill at The Spectator, who described them as “a hideous hybrid of victim and victor, weeper and walloper.” Greenfield defines a crybully as “the abuser who pretends to be a victim. His arguments are his feelings. He comes armored in identity politics entitlement and is always yelling about social justice, or crying social justice tears.”


17.09 ET
Just a reminder… this all happened thanks to HALLOWEEN COSTUMES.


16.57 ET
Berkeley has snatched the crazy crown from Cornell. Students there are staging a “racial drama” and one protest sign demanding a $15-an-hour minimum wage is randomly decorated with the Palestinian flag. Who even knows at this point.

Turnout at Berkeley is strong; students have been writing how much they owe in student debt on placards.


16.57 ET
BREAKING: The Dean at Claremont McKenna College (CMC) has resigned. Despite being a conservative campus, CMC has also been subject to race protests in recent weeks. Protests were sparked after a photo circulated of female CMC students wearing sombreros for Halloween.

Bizarrely, the Dean became a target after she agreed that there was “a lot to do” and offered to talk to the concerned students. Yet more confirmation of Trump’s position on the chaos: showing weakness only makes them hungrier for blood.

Full resignation letter:

Dear CMC Community:

Since 2010 I have been privileged to serve as Dean of Students at Claremont McKenna College. Today I am submitting my letter of resignation, effective immediately. I do so with sadness beyond words, because these nearly six years have been the most rewarding and fulfilling of my life, but also with the conviction that it is the right thing to do for the school and the students I care about so deeply.

I have been grateful for the support of the Administration and the heartening encouragement I have received from so many of my students, former students and colleagues. Among the calls, texts and emails I have received is a student who wrote:

“You’ve inspired me in my time at CMC. Please stay strong and realize students like me need you to stay here…I will always be honored to consider you a mentor, a role model, and above all, friend.”

And a faculty member who wrote:

“I also recognize how much you have worked to make our community more inclusive… I know I join many fellow faculty members and students in expressing my full support and confidence in you as Dean of Students here at CMC.”

To all who have been so supportive, please know how sorry I am if my decision disappoints you. I believe it is the best way to gain closure of a controversy that has divided the student body and disrupted the mission of this fine institution. Most important, I hope this will help enable a truly thoughtful, civil and productive discussion about the very real issues of diversity and inclusion facing Claremont McKenna, higher education and other institutions across our society.




16.56 ET
An inspiring photo via the New York Times. The Times confirms Donald Trump’s warning. Missouri has set a precedent, and is emboldening campus SJWs around the country.

In interviews, students say they have been inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement that grew out of the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by the police in Ferguson, Mo. They say the victory of protesting students and football players at the University of Missouri has spurred them to demand that their universities provide a safe space for students of color.


16.51 ET
Via our own Michelle Moons, some NSFW slogans at UC San Diego.


16.46 ET

Das her.


16.45 ET


16.44 ET
From Milo Yiannopoulos yesterday:

It’s now open season on social justice warriors and political correctness, both of which the entertainment industry and most serious journalists now recognise as a threat to creative freedom and freedom of expression. Public opinion is shifting, too: I’ve been reporting on social justice warriors in some way or another for most of my career, and it’s only the last few months I’ve noticed real hostility toward hand-wringers.

That hostility is now coming from the left, too, with left-wingers who don’t sign up to the progressive consensus, openly mocking trigger warnings and safe spaces, aghast at their own side for the inane drivel now published daily on sites like Vox, Buzzfeed, Mic, Vice and Gawker.

But what’s so brilliant about the social justice tendency is that it refuses to acknowledge when it has been beaten in the court of public opinion. SJWs aren’t just doubling down, they’re going full retard, installing codes of conduct that read like something from the Twilight Zone. Just this week, Vox instructed its staff not to “mansplain” to one another.

This is all good news, because it makes them easier to beat. The bitter white middle-class bloggers who fuel so much misery and division in American society are lurching ever further away from the public and even their own readers by ignoring facts and indulging in hurtful, speculative narrative based on discredited and preposterous far-left ideology. READ MORE…


16.39 ET
Breitbart’s Allum Bokhari writes: “If you’re not a liberal in your early twenties, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by your thirties, you have no brain. So goes the famous quote from Winston Churchill. But should we just assume that campus radicals are going to develop tolerance and common sense as they age? There are many examples of student movements that stayed radical well after their members grew up. Mao’s Red Guards are one such example. The Taliban, too, were a student movement. The word “Taliban” literally means “students.” In fairness to both of those groups, neither were big on safe spaces and play-doh. They were, however, quite keen on the suppression of disagreement, a feature that is worryingly common among campus activists.”


16.35 ET


16.33 ET
Stanford University’s Twitter account says they have 1,000 students at their #StandWithMizzou rally. But why are they picking sides at all?

What is it they want instead?


16.31 ET
LA Times on microaggressions: College students losing their minds over “slights and snubs.”

Several students groaned, and Cynthia Blondeel-Timmerman, a junior, told the speaker she found the term “you guys” offensive. “This isn’t a men’s issue,” she said. “How dare you come into this space and say that [females] aren’t important.”

Shortly afterward, he left in a huff, declining to give his name.


16.29 ET
The National Nurses Union has arrived at Berkeley. They’re holding pictures of Bernie Sanders wearing Robin Hood caps. For reals.

Breitbart’s Joel Pollak reports that their numbers are now up to 200. Apparently, they promised 500…


16.15 ET
Meet the Black Lives Matter radicals stirring things up at Missouri.


16.10 ET
Strong assessment from Breitbart’s John Nolte.

Less solid comment from this young lady.


16.10 ET
Students from Pennsylvania and Drexel block traffic to “stand with Mizzou.” Apparently, racial awareness begins with causing minor annoyances.

Students at Loyola have created a safe space… at least until it starts to rain.

Uniformity of opinion is great. Collectivism is great. Everything is great.


16.05 ET
More on that “defaced” Black Culture Center sign… internet detectives are saying it was all Photoshop. Surely not!


16.04 ET
University of California Students Association wants “education not incarceration.”


16.03 ET
You’ll be waiting a while, Ben…


15.57 ET
Seattle protesters say they “don’t need” our “racist ass schools.” So they’ll be happy if we cut funding, then.


15.57 ET
Oh, you have a Debt-O-Meter? Sweet. So do we: for the U.S. government.


15.56 ET
The University of Missouri will wear all-white uniforms when the Tigers take on the BYU Cougars this Saturday at Arrowhead Stadium, reports our own Daniel J Flynn.

Microaggression? Institutional racism? Triggering tint? The all-white privilege comes as a first in the history of the football program and follows the university president’s resignation earlier this week after more than thirty black football players boycotted team activities.]


15.45 ET

“Cumbersome, inflated, and overwhelming”… are we sure they’re talking about student debt?


15.45 ET
More reading for you on the character of today’s student protesters. Jonathan Chait asks in New York magazine: “Can We Start Taking Political Correctness Seriously Now?”

That these activists have been able to prevail, even in the face of frequently harsh national publicity highlighting the blunt illiberalism of their methods, confirms that these incidents reflect something deeper than a series of one-off episodes. They are carrying out the ideals of a movement that regards the delegitimization of dissent as a first-order goal. People on the left need to stop evading the question of political correctness — by laughing it off as college goofs, or interrogating the motives of p.c. critics, or ignoring it — and make a decision on whether they agree with it.


15.42 ET
Treacher gets to the heart of what’s going on.


15.39 ET
“Defending free speech and championing resilience for collegians is vital to undermining racism, not a distraction,” writes Conor Friedersdorf at The Atlantic.

The core liberties that protect all Americans, and that are especially important to the most marginalized, are much more important than “tone.” Suggestions to the contrary speak volumes about the elevation of rhetorical sensitivity over substance among those ostensibly seeking change. To me, it is bizarre that the same campus activists who declare their institutions and the United States to be rooted in white supremacy and hostile to students of color want to empower the very authorities in charge to punish speech at their discretion! The impulse to declare the First Amendment null and void when it interferes with punishing racist, hurtful speech may seem, in the moment, as though it shows compassion toward marginalized groups, salving their anger and pain. But it does so at their ultimate expense, and I’m not even convinced that the immediate anger and pain would be less.


15.37 ET
From Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos earlier this week…

November 2015 may well prove a tipping point in the college campus descent into politically correct chaos. Unlike Yale, where outrage was generated over dressing-up boxes, students at the University of Missouri have alleged that more serious incidents took place. The African-American student government president claims that in September, he was on the receiving end of racial slurs from people driving a passing pick-up truck.

There have been a lot of campus hoaxes involving black students, of course – though for the sake of politeness you’re not supposed to say so. Normally it involves students who have been ginned up by race hustlers. The most notorious case involved fake rape allegations from Tawana Brawley. What’s remarkable about Missouri is that mere allegations have been enough to topple a college leader.

You see, when you start telling students that their feelings and their “lived experience” is more important than facts, it follows that they will consider their own aggravated sense of personal victimhood sufficient grounds for the resignation of college staff. READ MORE… 


15.32 ET
The people united will never think up original slogans.


15.31 ET
For when marching is just too much like hard work.


15.30 ET
Rush Limbaugh says that black protests at Missouri might have been “manufactured by the Democratic party” to drive voter turnout in 2016.


15.17 ET
T R U M P   W E I G H S   I N
Donald Trump has slammed the “weak, ineffective” leaders of the University of Missouri, calling the protests “disgusting.” He said that resignations at the University would “set something in motion that’s going to be a disaster for a long period of time.” Calling the demands of Mizzou protesters “crazy,” the Presidential candidate joked that “Trump should have been the chancellor” at Missouri. HE CAN’T BE STUMPED…


15.16 ET
“Safe space” students silence Asian woman for saying, “Black people can be racist.” Not in social justice land they can’t…


15.14 ET
Mike Middleton has been named interim Mizzou President. Three weeks ago, he was featured in a video with protesters.


15.11 ET
Let’s not forget: there’s a quiet core of students who are doing something productive today. America’s silent heroes.


15.05 ET
FOX News has interviewed a Million Student March leader, who struggled to explain how she would pay for the movement’s demands, including free tuition and a $15 minimum wage for campus staff. She eventually says she’d be comfortable with a 90 per cent top rate of tax, and brushes off concerns that wealthy Americans will just leave the country. It was a car crash.


15.00 ET
Even in beautiful Santa Barbara, students are agitated about having to pay for their education.


14.57 ET
Commentary from our own Lee Stranahan: America has endured seven years of activist agitprop and simmering race baiting, all emanating from the Obama adminstration’s bully pulpit and every media outlet they influence. From the “beer summit” to “if I had a son” to active defenders from the White House of the Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter movement, we have been subjected to the fifty-year plan of revolutionaries who failed to overthrow the country in the 60s but slithered into the shadows of the ivory.

Over half of the 60s domestic terrorist Weathermen – from Bill Ayers to Kathy Boudin – became “educators” at American Universities across the country. Under the guise of academic freedom, these leftists stopped planting bombs and robbing banks and began grading papers, teaching teachers and journalists, and pushing an anti-America multicultural agenda.

Now, the ivory’s tower chickens have come home to roost. The tactics of campus radicalism that spawned the chaos and violence of the 1960s has returned, fostered by two generations of tenured radicals. The leftist activism we’re seeing today is just the beginning…

There’s more to come if Bernie gets in…


14.51 ET
Note to college administrators: stunning and brave protesters can be easily dispatched with a bit of water.


14.51 ET
Students at Amherst have levelled up to anti-Israel chanting.


14.47 ET
Tragically lackluster chanting from the University of Utah.


14.47 ET
She’s right! Let’s stop paying teachers.


14.45 ET
Breitbart’s Frances Martel writes: “I’m looking through social media for anything at Rutgers-Newark but finding absolutely nothing. Apparently race isn’t an issue at the country’s most diverse campus. #confused”


14.42 ET
Perhaps the best thing to come out of this month’s campus meltdowns is the Twitter snark. Thanks to mean-spirited but hilarious observers, November 10 is now #NationalOffendACollegeStudentDay on Twitter. Here is Breitbart’s coverage of the inaugural event. Below, some of the best tweets…


14.42 ET
Look away now if bad language offends you! Florida students have something to say. H/T “Millennials 4 Bernie.”


14.38 ET
Trans-racial icon and race hustler Shaun King leaves tweet packed full of debunked hoaxes and hysteria up…


14.38 ET
Republican presidential candidates: if you’re watching, here’s our candidate for education secretary.


14.35 ET
Either the rest of the protest is in front of him, or Seattle isn’t really feeling it today.


14.31 ET
Sandra Falwell, Vice President of the National Nurses United union, calls for a European-style “Robin Hood Tax” to pay for free tuition.


14.31 ET
“We have nothing to lose but our chains,” chant students at Miami U.


14.32 ET
Columbia students chanting that they “stand with Mizzou.”


14.31 ET
Thirty angry white kids at Central Michigan University.

Another student at Central Michigan accuses his university of “investing in genocide.”


14.29 ET
Amherst protester: White peoples’ opinions on “what is and isn’t racist are irrelevant.”

Meanwhile, professor Ron Lembo is quoting Marx.


14.27 ET
Professional agitators and race activists from Black Lives Matter are present at the Mizzou protests, says Breitbart’s Austin Ruse. They’ve shown up to make sure everything proceeds peacefully, no doubt.


14.24 ET
Students seem fairly universally contemptuous of politicians: this guy fingers both Trump and Hillary in the same sentence. We’ll pay your tuition, just please change that hair!


14.21 ET
This young lady seems to be suggesting a new plan from Obama: let all the criminals loose and spend the prison money on gender studies scholarships.


14.20 ET
Last night, students at Yale held a “teach-in” to discuss racial issues, described by Yale Daily News as “A forum dedicated to educating the community about the issues faced by people of colour at Yale.” Panel topics included “mental health and microaggressions,” “women of colour,” and “systemic racism.” This followed weeks of protests and attempted Maoist-style purges at Yale after a professor at Silliman College suggested that offensive Halloween costumes might not be a crime against humanity.  


14.16 ET
From Breitbart’s Lee Stranahan: “‘Student Loan Debt’ is a longtime leftist cause. It was part of Occupy Wall Street. Here’s former revolutionary communist / Obama administration office Van Jones talking about it last year.”


14.15 ET
Signs at UMass Amhurst, where students are enthusiastically live-tweeting proceedings.


14.12 ET
Eagle-eyed Twitter sleuths have suggested that the “vandalised” sign at a Black Culture Center in Mizzou may be nothing more than a Photoshop hoax…


14.08 ET
Take it they ended tuition fees?

“Socialists In Texas” … weird, we thought Halloween was over already.

Nailed it.


14.08 ET
Rumours that Rachel Dolezal just got turned away from the blacks-only healing circle at Mizzou probably unfounded…


14.06 ET
The Palestinian flags are out, because why not.


14.06 ET
You go, girl.


14.04 ET
From Umass Amherst, Melissa Click’s alma mater.


13.59 ET
A brilliant plan to fund free tuition in Texas: suck the oil & gas industry dry! That will definitely help the graduate jobs market.

Two students on opposite sites of the debate are talking to each other pleasantly. THIS ISN’T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.

Meanwhile, The Tab has a live blog of Blackout protests at Boston College. Says one protester: “I’m here today because injustice everywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. I’m here today because my freshman year, a white student told me that because I was black, I should twerk for their entertainment. I’m here today because enough is enough.”


13.55 ET
American colleges are like ISIS, says a feminist in Ms Magazine whinging about the rape culture myth. Perhaps we should send her to Aleppo so she can test her theory?


13.44 ET
James O’Keefe has been detained by police at Yale university. O’Keefe is an undercover journalist who is famous for uncovering the corrupt and anti-American practices of progressive institutions. He is the head of Project Veritas, which undertakes undercover video journalism across the U.S. One of Project Veritas’ journalists recently convinced administrators at Yale and other campuses to rip up copies of the U.S constitution after convincing them that the document made her “emotionally distraught.” No wonder they want to shut O’Keefe up…


13.44 ET
Nice day for it.


13.37 ET
Missouri’s student body president Payton Head has apologised for spreading those false KKK rumours.


13.31 ET
Even in Texas! It’s over.

Treacher may be on to something.

Helpful, socially-conscious advice from an observer. Hashtag not all shoes.


13.26 ET


13.17 ET
A modern-day tragedy.


13.17 ET
Some thoughtful fan art of Melissa Click.

Don’t forget: the student vice-president at Mizzou thinks the First Amendment is “hostile” and “unsafe.”


13.14 ET
The biracial President of the Mizzou College Republicans has spoken exclusively to Breitbart. “There is an ongoing push for ‘Social Justice Centers’ … within college campuses. For those who do not subscribe to the certain set of beliefs provided by these ‘centers’, they are ostracized and condemned.” He also challenged claims of “systematic discrimination” at Mizzou.

“I will not deny the fact that racist individuals exist. As a half-black & half-white twenty-year-old male, I too have endured derogatory slurs; in the instance I have been called a slur, I sympathize for the individual. And put the blame for ignorance not on the Institution, but that exact individual. The protest has not done a sufficient job at separating the individual from the community. I think of Systemic Oppression when I read through the profound History of the Great Leap Forward in Communist China, the tribulations of MLK, the Persecution of Christians & Jews in the Middle East – not this.”


13.00 ET
There are Vines.


12.56 ET
A NOOSE HANGING FROM A TREE? That was the report from student media at LSU in Baton Rouge, which is apparently determined to find evidence of the KKK in every bit of shrubbery on campus. Actually it’s a fallen lighting cable. Campus hysteria shows no sign of abating…


12.56 ET
Not every black person on Twitter is impressed by the hunger strikers today.


12.50 ET
Guest op-ed in WaPo: “Students wanted to create a safe space from not only the racism they encounter on campus, but the insensitivity they encounter in the news media.”


12.50 ET
It’s not just Click supporting the mayhem in Missouri…


12.47 ET
Via KDSK: University of Missouri police are investigating a reported act of vandalism on campus. Pictures show that the word “Black” in a Black Culture Center sign has been spray-painted.


12.41 ET


12.39 ET
For students aspiring to unintentional comedy greatness, the Cornell chapter of Black Students United are the ones to beat. The group has called for the cancellation of a Blackout solidarity protest with the University of Missouri’s #ConcernedStudent1950 because of a “lack of people of color involved.” Adorable.


12.33 ET
Via KDSK: The student reporter who filmed Missouri Assistant Professor Melissa Click’s call for “muscle” to eject members of the press from the campus’ protest site has filed a complaint with the police alleging assault. A police department spokesman confirmed that they had received the complaint and are looking into it.


12.29 ET
Is #MillionStudentMarch a genuine grassroots campaign? It claims to be a “grassroots effort,” but it’s also been coordinated at a national level by “a committee responsible for administration and communications, and that produces organizing materials and builds relationships with other activist groups and unions.” It advises students on how organise their own march on campus, including guidelines for media relations (Melissa Click clearly didn’t get the memo), messaging, and volunteer outreach. With protests coordinated from coast to coast, some conservatives are wondering who’s bankrolling all of this…


12.26 ET


12.23 ET


12.21 ET


12.18 ET
TVUMedia, a Black Lives Matter-supporting Twitter account with 20,000 followers has said that 30-year-old St. Louis area Neo-Nazi leader Samuel Hyde [is] wanted for assaulting 3 black #Mizzou students.” What they presumably don’t realise is that Sam Hyde is a sketch comedian and serial hoaxster. Earlier this year, a member of his comedy troupe convinced large sections of the tech and gaming media that he was a violent misogynist who wanted to harm feminist video games developer Brianna Wu. Are all progressives this gullible, or just the ones interested in identity politics?

Unrelated trivia: Sam Hyde once hoaxed his way into a TED talk. The results were hilarious.


12.11 ET
He may be in debt, but not enough to take to the streets.


12.10 ET
Breitbart’s Lee Stranahan points to socialist agitators who are behind the day’s events.

So far, somewhat less than a million marchers are showing up to events.


12.08 ET
New York City students for Justice in Palestine have posted their own version of the Million Student March manifesto that targets “Professional Zionists” in the City University of New York (CUNY) administration for “supporting Israeli occupation.” A little off-message there. Some people just have a one-track mind… 


12.06 ET
On Breitbart News Daily this morning, Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder called events at Mizzou “appalling” and blamed the progressive left. He added that conservatives have “allowed this to happen” by “averting our gaze as tenured radicals have taken over the university,” Kinder added, “We could not avert our gaze from the appalling events at the University of Missouri in the last week.”


11.57 ET
Breitbart’s Lee Stranahan reports that Missouri activist Jonathan Butler falsified a key claim about the school’s president. It turns out Butler was never hit by the president’s car, as he claimed. Instead he ran towards it.

Butler is the hunger strike student whose family is reported to be worth $20 million.

Another Missouri student hallucinated the KKK into existence this week.


11.54 ET
The social media hashtag for the day’s events is #MillionStudentMarch. A website at appears to be down, but a cache of the front page is here.


11.50 ET
Good morning! The L.A Times has invited students to submit stories in response to the question “Is your campus a safe space?” We’re sure there won’t be any response bias at all there. The Million Student March is being backed by unions, left-wing groups and Bernie Sanders’ Presidential campaign.

Elsewhere, the Lt. Governor of Missouri has condemned the ongoing chaos at the University of Missouri, telling Breitbart News Daily on Sirius XM Patriot that the events were the result of “decades of leftist control” on campuses, but emphasising that conservatives shared some of the blame for “averting [their] gaze as tenured radicals have taken over the university.” A full list of planned protests can be found at this link.