Hillary Clinton Is About To Embarass Herself On The Alt-Right
Hillary Clinton is going to take on the “alternative right,” a movement she does not understand and is sure to misrepresent.

Hillary Clinton is going to take on the “alternative right,” a movement she does not understand and is sure to misrepresent.
Donald Trump is expected to announce his support for an ideological litmus test for new immigrants to the United States, who will be quizzed on gay rights, women’s rights, and pluralism.
Indonesia’s government has declared that there is “no room” for gays in the country. This isn’t a surprise. It’s a Muslim country, and gays are starting to realize that they aren’t safe in Muslim societies.
Facebook editor Jennifer Jenkins shared an article from Ta-Nehisi Coates calling non-violence a “con” and a “ruse” in the wake of the Baltimore riots.
In the first of a multi-part series, we’re going to shine a spotlight on the political views of Facebook’s Trending News Team.
Facebook has more power to influence politics, speech, and the spread of information than any other company. We’re going to hold them to account.
There’s panic in the skyscrapers. A popular revolution against globalism is underway, and Britain has struck the first blow.
A specter is haunting the dinner parties, fundraisers and think-tanks of the Establishment: the specter of the “alternative right.” Young, creative and eager to commit secular heresies, they have become public enemy number one to beltway conservatives — more hated, even, than Democrats or loopy progressives.
Student demonstrations are set to engulf the U.S. today in the ‘Million Student March’, as activists from campuses around the country stage a day of protests against tuition fees and student debt, further inflamed by recent social justice protests at Yale
The United States, as we know it today, was born in an anonymous debate. On September 27, 1787, an anonymous writer using the pen-name “Cato” wrote an essay for the New York press, criticising the proposed US constitution, which was then awaiting ratification by the states. Cautioning against an overly-powerful executive and the establishment of a standing army, the essay soon triggered a response from “Publius,” another pseudonymous author, who argued in favour of the new constitution. By then a third pesudonymous critic, “Brutus,” had also entered the debate.
Want to see a bunch of social justice warriors eaten alive by cannibals? You’ll get a chance this September with the release of Eli Roth’s latest horror film, Green Inferno.
Breitbart associate editor Milo Yiannopoulos, who was nominated by public vote as the leading candidate in the “journalist” category of the Shorty Awards this year, was scrubbed from the nominations roster after a whispering campaign by feminist agitators, say sources close to the Awards.
GaymerX, a convention and support group for homosexual, lesbian and transsexual video game enthusiasts, is under fire for systematically discriminating against gay gamers on the basis of political beliefs, leaving thousands of gay gamers neglected and unrepresented. Gay, bisexual, lesbian and
Few walks of life are today immune to the spectre of political intolerance. At universities, speaker disinvitations and censorship campaigns are at an all-time high. In technology, there are purges of chief executives with the wrong political views and executives who make the wrong sort of joke. In the world of video games, petitions are launched against “offensive” titles, and progressive journalists wage smear campaigns against conservative developers.