“Mr. Trump would like all Americans to know the truth about what happened at Benghazi,” the GOP frontrunner’s Iowa co-chair said Thursday. And in order to go around and over the heads of a corrupt DC Media that has covered up this truth for years, Trump is offering Iowans free screenings of Michael Bay’s  superb “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.”

Donald Trump has rented space at an Urbandale movie theater and will give Iowans free tickets to a showing of the Benghazi movie that critics of Hillary Clinton have been eagerly awaiting.

“Mr. Trump would like all Americans to know the truth about what happened at Benghazi,” the GOP presidential candidate’s Iowa co-chair Tana Goertz said Thursday night.

Trump will pay for the showing of “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” at 6 p.m. Friday at the Carmike Cobblestone 9 Theatre at 86th Street and Hickman Road, Goertz said.

This is a brilliant political strategy on Trump’s part; a way to get the word out about a major Hollywood movie that is also a damning indictment of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Moreover, “13 Hours” is an equally damning indictment of a media that to this very day still coordinates directly with Obama and Hillary to shield them from the political fallout both deserve due to their depraved indifference towards the truth and American lives.

Trump’s move also forces the media to talk about “13 Hours,” give a movie they would like to see die a quiet death all kinds of free publicity. It is glorious to watch, and undoubtedly the frontrunner’s overall goal.

As someone who has closely followed both the Benghazi debacle and the DC Media’s shockingly dishonest efforts to cover up the truth, I can tell you that “13 Hours” not only tells the truth, it finally honors the six incredible Americans whose self-sacrifice and heroism saved more than two dozen American lives — Americans left to die by a Secretary of State and sitting president more concerned with politics than with protecting or rescuing the men and women they ordered into harm’s way.

“13  Hours” is neither political nor partisan.

It simply tells the truth.

A large part of the pleasure that comes with watching “13 Hours” is the exhilaration that always comes with witnessing a buried truth see the light of day.


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