Armstrong Williams, who was a senior adviser to Dr. Ben Carson’s presidential campaign, tells Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon about the aftermath of the Brussels terror attack, and its ramifications for the American presidential campaign.

Reporting from Paris, Williams said the “good news,” in the wake of the Brussels terror attack, was a greater understanding by Belgian officials of the need to coordinate their security efforts with other European nations – especially France, which suffered a similar terror attack not long ago. Also, he predicted the Brussels bombings would prompt some much-needed reflection on the dangers of Europe’s open-borders policy.

“They cannot have these open borders like they’ve had before, and they can not allow these fighters, who go to Syria and Iraq to fight, to come back and roam the streets of places like Belgium, and places like Europe,” Williams said.  

“You have two to three thousand of those people that go and fight, and can come back and return to a sort of normalcy without any background checks, without any interviews from the French police, from the Belgian security forces – they just can come back,” he continued. “And obviously, they’re carrying out these activities that they’re planning, not only just what they were doing in Syria and Iraq, but what they were planning to do in places like Belgium, and places like Paris, France, because they feel the resentment and the anger which has built up.”

Williams said Europeans are realizing their humanitarian policies toward refugees from the Middle East have instead “armed and fed” their enemies, and given them “the necessary tools and equipment to come back and create this kind of devastation that Europe is facing now.”

“This is not just a war on Belgium and Brussels yesterday,” he said. “This was a declaration of war on the entire Europe.”

Williams said the problem of handling terrorists with “kid gloves,” as illustrated by Belgian authorities tolerating “no-go zones” in districts like Molenbeek, was not unique to Brussels. The dangers of refusing to deal with terrorists and terrorist-sympathizing communities seriously was illustrated by the fact that last week’s high-profile bust of Paris massacre mastermind Salah Abdelslam involved a good deal of luck, despite an intensive 120-day manhunt to find him.

“They not only have these ‘ghetto zones’ in places like Brussels, they also have them in Paris,” Williams said.

Can you imagine in the United States – in cities like Washington D.C. and New York – that people who threaten our way of life could set up their own little fiefdoms, and their own communities, where no one can enter except themselves?  They create their own government, they create their own way of life… they can treat women any way they want to treat them, they cannot complain to the authorities, because they just turn the other way.

Williams noted there were many warning signs of a possible terror attack brewing over the past few days, especially since Abdelslam’s arrest, and also warnings about security weaknesses at the airport in Brussels. The likelihood that Abdelslam’s terror cell would step up the timetable on any attacks it was planning, striking before he could give up too much damaging information, was well understood.

“They just totally ignored the warnings,” said Williams.

They still wanted to believe – get a load of this – they still wanted to believe that in spite of all the data they had, making them believe that something could happen, they did not believe that these people would be capable of thinking about going to the airport, to pull something like this off.  They just thought it was almost humanly impossible.  And imagine that – imagine you’ve got the best counter-terrorism in the world, from the French and from the Americans, telling you this was gonna  happen, and you ignore it.

Noting that both Dr. Carson and Donald Trump, who Carson endorsed after dropping out of the race, have argued Europe’s open borders pose a direct security risk to the United States, Williams said “it is common sense that the telltale signs are in the air: that what is happening in Europe… the lack of security, the lack of being able to keep records of these young men… the fact that they don’t do background checks, and they have these porous borders, where they can just go through different checkpoints, and they’re very sophisticated… they could end up in the United States, and anywhere else. We have no idea.”

He cited the wave of security alerts, transit shutdowns, and airport scares across the Western world after the Brussels bombings yesterday as evidence of this dangerous interconnectedness with low-security areas of Europe, and said even the false alarms added up to a form of psychological warfare against citizens of Europe and the United States.

Williams commended Trump for understanding that “Islamic extremism is very threatening to America’s way of life, and said it was “one of the things that separated him from anyone else in the race.”

“He’s willing to talk about the threat of Islam, the threat of sharia law, the fact that we have these open borders,” Williams said of Trump. “You can’t just come together as world leaders and sing kumbaya, and expect everything’s gonna be okay.  You’ve got to put measures in place that’s gonna protect not only Europeans, but protect the American way of life – especially in these major cities, where you know that these terrorists have found ways to come in through the refugees, and other areas that have been left wide open.”

When Bannon asked about the media’s charge that Trump and Carson’s positions made them “ultra-nationalists,” Williams replied, “Well, the majority of Americans are ‘ultra-nationalist.’”

He argued that Trump was attracting support from every demographic because they agreed with his agenda to “keep America safe” and “fighting terrorism at every front.” He said it was the media and political elite who were profoundly out of touch with the American people by smearing them as “ultra-nationalists” because they want to protect themselves from terrorism and crime.

“What we are is people that love America. We love our country, and we’re willing to fight and die for it to protect it, especially for future generations,” Williams declared.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00AM to 9:00AM EST.

You can listen to the full interview with Armstrong Williams below: