The New York Sun announced it is endorsing Ted Cruz in the Republican primary Tuesday.

According to the Sun:

It hasn’t been our normal practice to endorse in the primaries, but this year the vote, set for Tuesday, will take on outsized importance as we career toward a contested convention. The junior senator from Texas has emerged from a crowded field by dint of his fidelity to principles — limited, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a strong foreign policy — that couldn’t be at higher premium. They are the true New York Values.

Regardless of the issues presented to Cruz while on the campaign trail, including questions of public policy such as abortion and same-sex marriage, the candidate says his overriding source for decision-making is the Constitution and that the founding document is the means to unify Americans.

The conservative Sun states its editorial board is looking for a “candidate who grasps, is committed to, and is excited by America’s constitutional principles.”

“The Constitution ought to be a unifying instrument; it is, after all, the only thing that all of our legislators, officers, and judges — from the President to the county sheriffs — must be bound by oath to support,” states the Sun.

The publication continues:

Our endorsement is not animated by hostility to either Donald Trump or Governor Kasich, both of whom are running well ahead of Mr. Cruz in the polls in New York. All three are better on key issues than either Secretary Clinton or Senator Sanders. We like Mr. Trump’s willingness to re-think the United Nations. We’re not against better trade deals. We are against a retreat from NATO, and Mr. Trump has been too xenophobic in his use of language in respect of religion and the immigration issue. Mr. Cruz, a former solicitor general of the border state of Texas, has been more sage.

“Millions of Americans sense that the Democrats have become unmoored from the constitutional principles,” the Sun adds. “Mrs. Clinton would re-write the First Amendment; New York, in 1788, ratified the Constitution only on the caveat that a Bill of Rights would be included. Those are the true New York values, and Mr. Cruz has been the most faithful to them in the current campaign.”

h/t The Right Scoop