Sandy Rios, director of Government Affairs for the American Family Association (AFA), updated Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon on the AFA’s Target boycott, which now has the support of more than 1.2 million families.

Asked about what is ultimately behind efforts like the one at Target and others being advanced by the Obama administration, Rios said:

We have a push from the left to deconstruct everything that’s called normal. And that includes sexuality. It’s part of the Marxist theory to deconstruct the family and to recreate new systems. And so, I’m not saying everybody that’s doing this has read Marx and is doing Marx’s bidding, but we know that that was at least one of the beginnings of this sexual anarchy.

Added Rios:

I think it’s also interesting to note now the Justice Department is also coming down on North Carolina, threatening them that if they don’t change that law by Monday, the government’s going to withhold money, or whatever the threat exactly is, they’re going to do something.

Rios justifiably sees it as part of a much broader theme with the current administration:

And remember Robert Gates was interviewed recently on his thoughts about the military under President Obama, and he made the statement that he had not seen the President excited, or really enthused, about any policy–anything they discussed in terms of strategy, except for gays in the military. And Robert Gates said this on television, that that was the thing that was most important to the President of the United States. And I can only say that the Obama Justice Department and Education Department are now forcing schools around the country–maybe in a quiet way for some–forcing schools to adopt this policy of allowing children who think they’re boys or girls, whatever they think they are, to be able to use bathroom and bathing and changing facilities in public schools. School boards are losing this battle all over the country because they’re afraid to lose funding. So this is definitely a priority for this administration.

Almost 1.2 million signatures are currently on the petition at

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