Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) told Breitbart News on Wednesday that the recent Robert Mueller hearing likely left people wondering why we are “even talking about whether someone can prove that they’re innocent,” given that the United States recognizes the legal principle of the presumption of innocence.

Sen. Paul spoke to Breitbart News at Turning Point USA’s annual Teen Student Action Summit in Washington, DC, where 1,500 high school students from across the country gathered to hear the senator speak, among several other prominent conservative figures, including President Donald Trump.

“I think people, when they look at the Mueller hearing, are scratching their head and saying, ‘Why are we even talking about whether someone can prove that they’re innocent? Our system is supposed to be about the presumption of innocence. The government is supposed to either prove you’re guilty, or you are presumed to be innocent,” said Sen. Paul of Wednesday’s Mueller haring.

“So, I think it’s weird that Mueller says in his report, ‘Well, I can’t absolutely say that someone’s innocent.’ Well, yeah, that’s because you’re not supposed to. So, the whole thing, to me, is a big farce,” continued the senator. “I think it was a concocted which hunt, and I agree with the president — it’s time to move on and try to do good things for the country.”

“And the Democrats, I think, are being shown to be only caring about partisanship, and only caring about trying to damage the president, when in reality, it didn’t sound like anything new came from Mueller or his report,” added Paul of how the recent Mueller hearings have likely reflected on the Democrat Party.

On Thursday, House Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) said on CNN that President Trump deserves to be impeached, claiming that there is “substantial evidence” that the president has committed “impeachable offenses,” despite Nadler’s claims never having come to fruition.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, on Parler at @alana, and on Instagram.