Democrats flicked the switch to hyperbolic outrage Sunday as they struggled to outdo each other in condemning President Trump for calling Rep. Elijah Cummings a “brutal bully” to border patrol officials and suggesting he should help fix the city of Baltimore.

Trump added the congressman’s district should be investigated for all of the federal money invested there despite its being a “corrupt mess.”

First off was Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT on CNN’s “State of the Union” who said:

 It’s unbelievable that we have a President of the United States who attacks American cities, who attacks Americans, who attacks somebody who is a friend of mine, Elijah Cummings is one of the most decent and outstanding members of the House of Representatives. He fights every day to improve life in his community.

Then came Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY). He called President Donald Trump’s attacks on both Cummings and Baltimore “disgusting” and “racist.” Nadler told ABC’s “This Week,”:

Well, the president is as he usually is often is disgusting and racist. They’re designed to distract attention from the very serious allegations about his conduct that came from the committee hearings this week. The fact is, the president accepted help from the Russians to attack our election. His campaign worked with the Russians, that’s undisputed, and he works hard to cover up to cover those crimes and committed more crimes. He’s trying to change the subject.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) also went to bat for Cummings, decrying the president as “racist.”

“@RepCummings is a champion in the Congress and the country for civil rights and economic justice, a beloved leader in Baltimore, and deeply valued colleague,” she tweeted. “We all reject racist attacks against him and support his steadfast leadership.”

Next up on the Twitter parade of hurt feelings was Joe Biden.

Cory Booker was also quick to add his take, revealing he felt pain, so much pain:

Jay Inslee weighed in with his considered response:

Billionaire environmental activist and 2020 Democratic hopeful Tom Steyer was sad:

Senator Chris Murphy wanted everyone to feel his pain, too:

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