Hundreds of leftists gathered in protest of Justice Brett Kavanaugh in Washington, DC, on Sunday. October 6 marks one year since Kavanaugh was confirmed as a Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. “It’s time to put Brett Kavanaugh out on the street,” proclaimed one protester.

“I shouldn’t be here speaking to any of you today; I was supposed to just be a college student,” said a George Mason University (GMU) student at a podium during the protest, apparently channeling Swedish climate alarmist Greta Thunberg, who said, “I shouldn’t be up here — I should be back in school” at the U.N. Climate Action Summit last month.

“[I was supposed to] go get a degree, go to class, and grow up for four years,” continued the student, “and I’m constantly forced by my university to not just fight for justice, but to even fight for an education un-corrupted by Charles Koch.”

“Our courts are under attack, not just by Kavanaugh, but by the Federalist Society, by Charles Koch, and many others,” the student added. “We beg you to pay attention to George Mason and what’s happening there because if we fail to repel Koch’s attempts at infiltration, it’ll be way too late for anything to be done.”

The GMU student then announced that members of Sunday’s anti-Kavanaugh protest would need to run for congressional seats if Congress does not see to it that Justice Kavanaugh is removed from the U.S. Supreme Court.

“Today, we’re here to tell Congress there’s no place for predators on our courts,” the student declared.

“We want Charles Koch’s meddling in higher [education] and the judiciary to be brought to an end and, most importantly, that it’s time to put Brett Kavanaugh out on the street,” affirmed the student, “and if they refuse, it’s time for you, and you, and you, and me to run for their seats.”

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Twitter at @ARmastrangelo and on Instagram.