Far-left “Squad” member Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) has attempted to pressure large corporations into taking political stances on state-based measures by asking them what they’re doing to combat what she considers to be “hateful anti-trans bills.”

Several companies — including Coca-Cola, Walmart, AT&T, and Verizon — have signaled their support for “Pride Month” in some way, mostly by changing their social media logos to rainbows.

The support received from big corporations for “Pride Month” is not enough for some members of Congress, including Pressley, who took to Twitter to question how they are “applying pressure” to state legislatures across the country.

“Dear Corporations, Thank you for your Pride tweets, packaging and merch,” Pressley wrote. “Now how are you applying pressure to oppose hateful anti trans bills in state legislatures across the country?”

Pressley’s remarks and questioning on what corporations are doing to weigh in on political matters in certain states comes less than a week after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation into law to protect women’s sports, preventing biological males who say they are female to compete against — and with — biological girls.

Several other states, including Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, South Dakota, West Virginia, and Montana, have passed certain measures that prevent transgender athletes from participating in sports that coincide with their choice of gender identity.

Pressley’s tweet comes three months after several companies, including Facebook, Google, Bank of America, Apple, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, American Express, Delta, and the Home Depot, weighed in on state-based politics and condemned Georgia’s election integrity law, which took effect in March.

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