The White House announced Friday morning President Joe Biden would go to Walter Reed Medical Center for a “routine physical.”

“Later this morning, the President will travel to Walter Reed Medical Center for his routine annual physical,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement. “We will provide more details after he arrives at Walter Reed.”

Since taking office, more Americans have questioned Biden’s ability to serve as president.

A Rasmussen poll in October showed that 58 percent of voters believe that Joe Biden is not “physically and mentally” up to the job of being president of the United States.

Biden has put off sharing details with the public about his physical health all year, even thought the White House promised the president would conduct a physical “soon” and “by the end of the year.”

The White House reassured Americans the president was “just fine” and “doing 100 percent” after Biden fell three times on the stairs of Air Force One in March.

Psaki also defended the president’s physical health in May during the daily press briefing.

“I can tell you, having traveled with him a fair amount, sometimes he’s hard to keep up with,” she said.

The president’s last physical health checkup that included information shared with the public was in December 2019, when he was 77.

Biden will celebrate his 79th birthday on Sunday.

The president plans to pardon a turkey at the White House later Friday before leaving for his home in Delaware to spend the weekend.